Kuzu no Honkai – 05


Hana believes Kanai has abandoned her, so seeks her “safe space”—or at least a space where she feels she belongs and doesn’t feel the weight of life crushing her—elsewhere. When Ecchan turns to face her in bed, Hana sees Akane for a moment. Akane seems to enjoy taking advantage of men.

Hana doesn’t seem to enjoy what transpired with her and Ecchan. Hana doesn’t seem to be sure what she likes or wants, which must make Akane’s apparent certainty and staunch confidence all the more vexing.


Last week was light on Mugi, but he returns to the forefront with the revelation he’s known about Akane’s dalliances since he was dating senpai, who he only realizes now might’ve bitten his ear out of jealousy.

He still has her number; she shows up for a booty call, from his perspective almost out of obligation, as she was the one who popped his cherry. According to her, it’s the first time they did it when he wanted to, but she still doesn’t spend the night at the love hotel with him, considering them even.


Like Hana with Ecchan, Mugi seems unfulfilled and insufficiently stimulated by his encounter with his senpai. After a period of him and Hana drifitng apart, one day on the roof they come back together. Hana can tell Mugi slept with someone else, and he can tell she did too.

They did it for the same reason: to test if they really needed each other, or if they could get what they needed elsewhere. The results weren’t as conclusive as either had likely hoped. Hana’s thoughts say they’re both terrible. I just think they’re both profoundly lonely and unhappy.


Shift to Akane’s POV, as she grudgingly asks Kanai out, despite the fact he’s super-boring to her. That boring-ness continues throughout most of their date, until she drinks too many to compensate and he catches her before she falls in the street, accidentally calling her “Hana-chan.”…“-chan.”

Those words, not the catch, are the first things that get Akane interested. When she gets him in a room, and he asks permission, she brings up Hana as an object of envy, and he responds by kissing her and getting things started. Too easy says Akane. Indeed. The implication is, when things are too easy for Akane, watch out.


Hana decides she wants to have sex with Mugi at his place. He has reservations, but he can’t deny her beauty, her honesty, the directness of her gaze, and her “hysteric, fickle, recklessly egocentric remarks.” So the two of them decide to break the rules of their arrangement and do something that could upset the uneasy balance that had been maintained.

But it’s Hana’s first time, and it hurts, so they stop. She’s not into it at all, but is still frustrated they can’t do it. Mugi thinks it’s because she doesn’t really love him. Just saying she loves him doesn’t work, and then Mugi insults her. The mood ruined, she gets dressed and leaves.


Mugi sleeps alone, frustrated and depressed. Hana sleeps alone, frustrated and depressed. She wants to sleep with someone. She wants to fill the void of loneliness, but nothing is currently working, and it’s becoming unbearable.

Akane almost seems to sense her frustration, because the next day at school she walks past Hana to twist the knife, reporting on her conquest of Kanai. Ice. Cold.


Author: sesameacrylic

Zane Kalish is a staff writer for RABUJOI.

5 thoughts on “Kuzu no Honkai – 05”

  1. Well, what awakened Akane’s hunting instincts was that Kanai accidentally called Akane “Hana-chan” after catching her. New territory to conquer! So Hana is not only unilaterally in love with oblivious Kanai, Kanai also has (brotherly) feelings for Hana! What a lovely discovery! The bore becomes a target, and Akane reeled him in effortlessly.


    1. OMG, thank you! I somehow forgot to mention that in the review, that’s pretty key. It wasn’t the chivalrous catch that got her interested, it was calling her “Hana-chan.”

      Not that I think Akane will be pursuing Hana anytime soon, as she’s not a man. But I am fascinated by the way the show presents everyone’s POV and thoughts. It’s much more interesting to hear Akane’s than to have her be an opaque antagonist.

      More to the point, I believe your mileage is supposed to vary whether Akane’s an antagonist at all. If she’s sincere in her thoughts, she is the only one on the show actually enjoying life, as long as it isn’t boring.

      If you can’t make yourself happy, you don’t have much of a chance of making anyone else happy. Sure, she seems to prefer if it’s at someone’s expense, but if that’s the only way…

      On another note, we haven’t seen Moca for a while. I’m curious what’s next for her now that everyone else has literally gotten in bed with one another. In this regard, I’m definitely enjoying the lack of spoilery previews.


  2. Wow, Akane is a real man-eater. Those are super rare in anime I’ve watched. She seriously knows how to push men’s buttons. Have you guys seen any other anime women so effective in their craft as Akane? Dat voice, those movements. it’s horrible but I can’t look away XD.


  3. Hmm it seems like your site ate my first comment (it was super long) so I guess I’ll just sum it up what I wrote and say, I’m thoroughly
    enjoying your blog. I as well am an aspiring blog blogger but I’m still new to everything.
    Do you have any helpful hints for first-time blog writers? I’d really appreciate it.


    1. Blogging Tips:

      • Keep track of your word count.
      • Always check your spelling and grammar (don’t trust the browser or Word).
      • If you’re writing about anime, include your personal thoughts, not just a recap or summary of events.
      • Relax and have fun! Don’t take it too seriously. You’re not getting paid, after all (at least, I’m not!)


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