WWW.Working!! – 05


This newest version of Working!! just isn’t clicking for me anymore. It’s another episode full of little skits and running gags that doesn’t move beyond the ensemble’s individual quirks, which in most cases, remain muddled, and Hayashida is the most muddled character of them all.

Tha manager seems to have a seedy background, Muranushi has a handful for a mom, while Kamakura waves a katana around…but if you’re going to have a new cast, recycling jokes form the old one isn’t a confidence-inspiring move.

Perhaps the third season of Working!!, in which most arcs were wrapped up for the ensemble, was a good place to stop. A new cast was a bold idea, but it’s a risk that hasn’t really paid off after five episodes. Nearly all goodwill I started with for this new cast has been whittled away, and so unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be reviewing any more.


Author: sesameacrylic

Zane Kalish is a staff writer for RABUJOI.

2 thoughts on “WWW.Working!! – 05”

  1. http://WWW.Working started as a webmanga BEFORE the creation of Working – likely the content’s a rough draft of material and themes that its creator would later refine for Working and Servant x Service.


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