TONIKAWA: Over the Moon For You – S2 04 – The Kiss List

One of the many reasons Tsukasa loves Nasa so much is that he’s extremely reliable. He may not be the strongest guy, but whether it’s fixing Kaname’s vacuum or helping Aya avoid failing the year at high school, he earnestly helps out those in need without any thought of getting anything in return. He’s also modest, grateful to and respectful of those who came before him, like the great minds who developed the math he’s teaching the somewhat less great-minded Aya.

After preparing some worksheets that will help Aya with self-study, Nasa goes on to work on a project for a vtuber friend. Tsukasa can see that he must be stiff from sitting cross-legged and typing for such an extended time, so she insists her husband lie down so she can give him a massage.

Nasa admits this is his first massage, which makes Tsukasa happy since “she’ll be his first”. She’s also quite good. Not only does Nasa feel great because his muscles and joints are being taken care of, he also feels another kind of way that a husband feels when his wife is touching him.

He wants Tsukasa to feel good too, so when she’s done, Nasa insists she have a seat so he can massage her. She’s nervous, so only allows him to give her a shoulder massage, as long as he’s gentle. Nasa realizes he’s never touched his wife in this way, and that he feels just as good massaging her as he felt when she massaged him.

As we know Tsukasa and Nasa are not the most physically intimate couple, and a lot of the, shall we say, physical activities in which most loving couples engage both before or after marriage, don’t come easily. That said, day by day, little by little, they are becoming more comfortable with each other. That has a lot to do with how kind they know each other to be.

It’s ultimately Kaname’s conniving that jump-starts their physicality, as one day out of the blue she rudly asks Nasa how many times he and Tsukasa kiss and do it per day. She also informs him she’s been diving into the depths of blue YouTube, something I’m sure Nasa doesn’t want her talking about.

However, when Kaname produces a list she wrote up that indicates the various meanings of kisses to different parts of the body. Neck, ear, hand, hair…each kiss sends a different message. While Nasa isn’t comfortable discussing this with Kaname, he also doesn’t refuse the list she prepared.

That list makes Nasa’s subsequent interactions with Tsukasa a little tenser than usual, since he can’t un-read the list, and thus knows what he’d be “saying” to Tsukasa were he to kiss her here or there. When the two go out for an evening stroll after a grocery run, she catches him smelling her hair as it flows in the night air.

Tsukasa tells him he can touch her hair if he wants, so he does, though she’s a little weary of being seen out in the open. Nasa assures them it’s dark and “should be fine”, so the hair-touching commences. It’s interrupted when the two spot Yanagi-sensei with Taniguchi-sensei, who have clearly hit it off since they’re now going on evening strolls…and kissing.

When the bashful couple returns home, Tsukasa is given some green grapes by Kaname…along with the list of kisses. Nasa decides to use the opportunity to kiss her on the throat, indicating need. She counters with a kiss to the ear: seduction.

Gradually, the two start making out by kissing various parts of their bodies—while remaining fully clothed, and without getting too amorous, mind you! It’s cute as hell, and precisely the kind of stready yet significant progress one would expect of a couple still feeling their way though that aspect of their marriage.

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story – 17 – Romeveo and Julaoit

Seira is so serious about separating Eve and Aoi as soon as possible, she has an employee knock her out with chloroform and ships her to the airport. Eve gives him a sweet leg sweep and starts to flee, but when he tells her she’ll never play with Aoi again, she gets on the plane.

Eve knew she wouldn’t get anywhere staying in Japan, so she’ll get back to Aoi the only way she can: by going pro like her, which is Seira’s plan. Ichina and Amane are thrown for a loop when Eve suddenly withdraws from Raiou, but while eavesdropping on Reiya and Aoi they learn that Kazuhiko could be both their fathers.

Rather than put her family in danger by seeing them (she still has a price on her head), Eve has Vipere pick her up in her yellow roadster. Vipere is sporting a new, cuter look but is the same old Vipere: easy to tease and irritate, but ultimately someone Eve can count on.

Vipere’s “Darling” does some digging on Eleanor Burton, whose father happens to be Michael Burton, founder and chairman of Arios, the biggest golf brand in Europe…and also a mafia organization! When Eve visits her mom’s grave, she meets Alan Harvey, the longtime butler to the Burton family.

He tells Eve that Eleanor was also a talented and passionate golfer, and an immensely kind person to boot. When Kazuhiko arrived under the Athens banner, Arios lost market share, but also fell for Eleanor. She left the Burton mansion, then decided to give birth to Eve alone so she’d be free of the Romeo & Juliet like conflict

Because Alan cared deeply for Eleanor, he gives her daughter one last piece of important info: where Michael Burton will be the next day: at the golf course with Europe’s 8th ranked pro golfer, Cheris Kay. Eve arrives uninvited and unannounced, and challenges Cheris, a shameless syncophant of Michael’s, to a golf duel.

Eve bets “everything she has” on the line, but if she wins, Michael will promise to ensure she becomes a pro as fast as possible. Cheris thinks this is a joke, but the moment she sees Eve’s Rainbow Bullet shot, it starts to sink in that Eve is no rando amateur.

Back in Japan, Amane notices Aoi has been off her game since Eve’s sudden departure. But Aoi is driven by the belief Eve will return again to play golf with her, and perhaps give her that real kiss she wants so bad. Absence will have to motivate her to play her best, even as her lonely heart aches with longing.

Cheris loses by ten strokes despite Eve giving her a handicap, and Michael is no fool; he knows Alan brought Eve to the course and also knows she’s his granddaughter. Alan also found out that Catherine’s crew wants Eve’s life, so Michael tells him he’ll “think about” doing something about that.

While he’s a fairly horny powerful golf mafia boss, one would hope Michael Burton isn’t such a monster that he’d renege on a bet Eve won fair and square. Without too much difficulty and in just a couple of days, Eve has paved a new path not just to pro golfdom, but back to her beloved rival/would-be lover Aoi.

She’s just missing one thing: a caddy she can trust. There’s only one such caddy: Saotome Ichina. Eve gives her a call with no regard for the time difference, and tells her to come to Nafrece, pronto. Ichina’s willingness to do just that is accentuated by a fisheye lens shot of her. And so the next chapter of Golf Girls’ Story begins in earnest: the road to the pros.