Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul – 04

Like GenesisVirgin Soul is about two opposing sides who aren’t willing to compromise in the slightest, thus requiring a third party, impartial or not, to negotiate and avoid disaster. Only this time, the cooler prevailing heads are super-outnumbered, or in Nina’s case, is too much of a wild card herself to enact any change. When Nina hears what the king is doing to innocent demons, she makes a beaten-down Azazel hug her so she can turn into a dragon and put a scare into Charioce.

Instead, all she does is make the king stand in awe of her power, meaning he probably wouldn’t mind using her as a tool in his fight against gods and demons. Nina is, as Azazel says, like a  little Bahamut, which means as chaotic as she can be, she’s far more controllable than the titular beast. She causes plenty of property damage, but she’s in no danger of bringing down the world.

After Azazel’s ill-conceived standoff and Nina’s attack, things slow down considerably, as both are carted away by Rita in Bacchus’ wagon. It’s as good a time as any for Nina to let Azazel (and us) in on who and what exactly she is and how she got to be this way. Unlike other half-dragon children, she wasn’t able to transform easily.

Only when her heart raced from a cute guy does she transform, and then, exposively so. She treats it as a curse and a burden, which it most certainly is from her perspective, as she can’t even remember what she does while a dragon. That kind of loss of control probably isn’t that pleasant, to say the least.

After a half-hearted attempt to seduce Nina (by telling him if she can’t control herself, she should make love to him and let him try), he disappears, leaving Mugaro in Rita and Nina’s care.

Charioce, not totally believing Kaisar’s version of his relationship to Azazel, lets him live regardless since our favorite prettyboy saved the king’s life. Another familiar face is then introduced in the imprisoned Jeanne d’Arc, who won’t join Charioce’s crusade, and may just be the mother of Mugaro.

Then we learn where Azazel went off to: to find the headquarters of the organized demon army that’s itching to go to war with the humans. Azazel is only too happy to lead them in battle.

While there was more exposition and piece-moving than previous episodes, there was still the usual things to like about this Bahamut, not the least of which Nina turning into a dragon again, and her great reactions before and after she does (and her seiyu Morohoshi Sumire is knocking it out of the park). We’ll see if the cooler heads can make any progress with the extremists next week.

Author: braverade

Hannah Brave is a staff writer for RABUJOI.

One thought on “Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul – 04”

  1. The problem with Nina is that she’s too naive and innocent in a many areas and I fear that Charioce (in his civilian disguise) is going to make use of that. As you say, I can see him wanting to use the power for himself.
    I honestly wouldn’t be opposed to Nina x Azazel. The two are rather cute together, especially when he got all flustered about hugging her. And then that whole nonchalant proposition. lol
    I was surprised that Jeanne is Mugaro’s mother. He’s younger than I thought at about 9 years old. I’m going to guess he’s either the son or the reincarnation of Michael and Jeanne conceived through immaculate conception. I wonder how long Charioce has held her prisoner? It has to be longer than 2 years since that’s when they said they last felt Mugaro’s power.

    I don’t think NIna is going to be that bridge. The more and more she find out about and possibly becomes herself, a victim of Charioce’s evil the more and more I think the opposition against Charioce will band together against him, including Nina.


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