Hundred – 05


What’s Kirishima Hayato’s secret for getting all these hot ladies falling at his feet? From what I can tell, it’s to be as nondescript and vapid a character as it is possible to be while still able to be called a “character.”


They don’t just fall at his feet of their own accord, though: they forget they don’t have their bikini top tied on, or slip and fall on top of him. So it’s not just vapidity, but the fact that physics itself seem to favor the guy.


Hundred does its darndest to not spend any more time than it needs to on silly matters like protecting civilization from a scourge of powerful monsters. Instead, it prefers having Hayato go on a date with Emilia after turning down Claire’s swimming challenge.


Wait, but isn’t he supposed to be Sakura’s bodyguard, you ask? Apparently not full-time. Which is unfortunate, because Sakura disappears when he’s off the job. Thankfully, she used his GPD signal to track him down so she can take him somewhere special to her. Emilia gets ditched. Don’t hate the playa…


I’m not sure Hayato signed up to have Sakura prattle on interminably about her increasingly dark and cruel past as they admire the islands’ version of the grand canyon (the geography of this place, and why its not overrun with savages, escapes me).

I think I fell asleep during some of the exposition, but from what I heard, Sakura had the same virus as Karen, was sold to a mad scientist and injected with Savage cells in an attempt to build a super-slayer. Not-fun times.


Then Sakura proceeds to connect every significant part of her life to Hayato, from the one who set her on the path to idoldom, to the one who preserved the place where she apparently has good (rather than horrifying) memories, and the fact both of them are variants and thus “share the same fate.”

I imagine Sakura is going to be disappointed when she learns that Hayato does not and will not belong to just one woman. He belongs to them all. His blandness…it’s just so breathtaking.


Oh HEY! It’s a savage! Those variant kids from last week, perhaps? They come pretty late in this episode. In fact, they come at the very end, before Hayato has any time to break out his Hundred and, you know, fight them.

Instead we spent what felt like an eternity watching Hayato jump from one girl to another, turning one Claire for Emilia, ditching Emilia for Sakura, and telling Sakura, who is pouring her heart out, to “calm down there.” Maybe the real monster in Hundred is Hayato.


Author: sesameacrylic

Zane Kalish is a staff writer for RABUJOI.

One thought on “Hundred – 05”

  1. It is a little known fact that Japanese teenagers are among the clumsiest in the world scoring on average a 9.5 in the Ichika Clumsiness Index. All over Japan teenagers are subject to a unfortunate daily ritual of accidental pratfalls leading to embarrassing boob gropes and the like. It is a massive social problem apparently and shows like Hundred serve a useful purpose reflecting this trend and helping unfortunate Japanese teens feel good about themselves.
    You don’t buy that? Fair enough, neither did I.
    Hundred gets down to it straight off in this episode with an accidental exposure and a compromising pratfall in the first five minutes. Neither had a great deal of comic value but the conventions must be followed I guess. Then it’s off to a rather pointless scene with the number one romantic interest, Emilia, before he is whisked off by the self centred Idol Sakura. The the cogs of anime fate turn exceedingly fine when its is revealed that Hayate is in fact responsible for Sakura’s singing career after the young Sakura, Hayate, and imouto Karen were trapped together in a shelter during a monster attack way back when… Amazing!


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