TenSura – 46 – Fight Nacht

[Rubs hands together excitedly] Alright, now we’re gettin’ down to bid’ness. The tryhard OP is expunged so we can get the bandying of words between Clayman and Rimuru out of the way. The rest of the Demon Lords are either indifferent, asleep, or neutral. Guy, who seems to be the toughest, seems most intrigued with Rimuru, and you can tell kinda wants to test the guy without being too overt about it.

We also get a little instant gratification as Rimuru siccs Shion on Clayman and he gets the everloving snot socked out of him. Sure, he immediately heals, but he felt those punches. I love how after so many episodes of just talking, Rimuru is done talking. He’ll either have someone talk for him with her fists (Shion) or do the talking with his own.

This is when the rest of the Demon Lords, most of whom only showed up half-heartedly, are treated to an epic multi-pronged battle, confined within an expanded barrier courtesy of Guy. Rimuru, Shion, Ranga, and two of his wolfy underlings must take on Clayman, his adorable fox Nine Head, his two magical beasts, and some Beretta-looking mofo named Viola.

Oh yeah…and Milim Nava, whom everyone assumes is acting on her own despite the very suspicious purple gem choker and her dead eyes. But who knows…maybe Milim isn’t being controlled by Clayman! Outside the ring, Ramiris convinces Guy to let Beretta join the fight, and Guy is impressed not only by how the former Greater Demon doesnt fear him, but also claims that she’s no match for Rimuru’s attendant (I’m guessing Diablo).

That makes it six-on-five in favor of Clayman. While the beasts fight, Shion and Beretta take on Clayman and Viola, while Rimuru has the unfortunate burden of having to go up against an emotionless Milim who is not holding back. Not that she ever held back before, but Rimuru is because he doesn’t want to hurt or kill her, so he’s at a distinct disadvantage.

All I can say is that every moment Milim is launching lightning-quick punches and kicks, forcing Rimuru to instantaneously morph into slime mode to doge, is absolute FIRE. I still consider it a shame that Milim got a personality wipe this cour, brainwashed or not, but that’s surely only temporary, and in the meantime, Silent Milim is plenty entertaining. And she actually does show some emotion as the battle wears on!

More importantly, this is the first time since Hinata that Rimuru has met his match. It’s great to see him sweat and say “this is bad,” because things aren’t going quite as planned. Raphael can’t detect the spell affecting Milim, while Rimuru has yet to notice that the purple gem is probably the key. Overpowered characters can be fun but they get boring fast if never challenged, so it’s good to see here.

How can he, when Milim is not letting up her attack. When he switches tactics by using Beelzebub, she lures him into a trap, giving her a free swing with her charged-up fist. Rimuru thinks he’s done for…until Veldora shows up, takes the full force of the punch…and then protests that Milim is being mean. Now that Rimuru has a trusty shield, the battle to free Milim can finally begin.

Author: magicalchurlsukui

Preston Yamazuka is a staff writer for RABUJOI.