Synduality: Noir – 03 – The Great Cause

Ellie, bless her heart, is excited Kanata is finally a drifter, and wastes no time setting up a mission they can go on together, as a treat. But when she arrives at Kanata’s hanger, only Noir is there, pondering the meaning of a message from Tokio saying he’s taken Kanata to the hedonistic Desire Nest to pop his cherry. Ellie invites Noir to join her and Ange on what is now a rescue mission.

While Tokio does manage to nudge Kanata into the arms of a couple of comely employees of a swanky club in Desire, his own carnal designs are dashed when his butler magus Mouton starts chasing him, believing his yoiung master wants to have a race. While en route to Desire, Noir learns that Ellie and Kanata grew up together, and they also pick up a mysterious magus named Schnee on the side of the road.

Luckily for both Kanata and Ellie, he’s made to wait in a comfortable sitting room until his number is called. A formally dressed, masked gentleman asks him if it’s his first time, then declares, to Kanata’s shock, that it’s his first time too.

It becomes pretty clear that this fellow is the one Schnee refers to as “My Lord”, and she was willing to walk to Desire to return to his side. When Enders attack Desire, Ellie sorties with Ange, leaving Schnee to drive Noir—and Kanata’s coffin—into the city.

Noir and Schnee arrive just as Kanata’s number is called and the general alert is sounded. Literally saved by the bell. The ladies fill the gentlemen in on the situation. Schnee’s “Lord” tells her he came to Desire alone to try to find the “Goddess who will take him to Paradise” for “the Great Cause”.

Ellie is just hanging on with Ange when an attacking Ender is snared by Kanata. I loved Ellie’s elation upon learning he’s there, only to observe that he has a lot to learn about fighting Enders. That’s fine with Ellie; she doesn’t need a white knight; fighting beside Kanata is enough.

Unfortunately, even the both of them aren’t enough against a particularly tough group of Enders, but they are bailed out by Schnee and her Lord dazzling the stage in a snow white coffin. He elegantly slices through all of the remaining Enders with an energy sword while Schnee covers his back by projecting herself outside the coffin, a trick neither Ange nor Noir (at the moment) can pull off.

When the battle is over, Schnee accidentally lands the coffin in a puddle of mud and apologizes to her Lord, but he’s okay with a little grime in the name of the “Great Cause”. This inscrutable masked gentleman is sure to return again, as there’s something “nostalgic” about the scent around Kanata. That said, if Noir was the one he was looking for, you’d think he’d have noticed her when she arrived at the club with Schnee.

In the end, Ellie still gets to go on a mission with Kanata like she wanted, while Tokio and Mouton spent all night running around Desire Nest, and clearly exhibit the signs of the runner’s high. All’s well that ends well, and while the CGI Enders are pretty much whatever, I still enjoyed the new characters and watching Ellie and Kanata finally team up.