KonoSuba 3 – 11 (Fin) – A Nice Story

Kazuma knocks over a big vase full of the two billion Eris owed to Aldarp, then scoops Darkness up and starts to book it. He makes the mistake of telling Darkness she’ll pay every cent back “with her body,” when he meant she’d pay it back doing adventurer duty, not something more … literal. Regardless, Darkness gets all hot and bothered, especially since she’s in a bride carry.

When Aldarp still orders his guards to apprehend Darkness and restrain her “kidnappers,” Megumin suddenly dazzles the stage, Yunyun by her side, threatening to Explode their pursuers if they advance any further. She’s happy and relieved that Kazuma came to save Darkness after all, but she can’t quite hold her Explosion spell, and ends up Explosion-ing all over the place.

Thanks to the chaos caused by the Explosion and the cooperation of all of the guild adventurers, Kazuma, Aqua, and Megumin manage to escape with their friend. Their first stop is her manor where Darkness’ father lies near death. A very serious and poignant scene plays out, as Lord Dustiness asks Kazuma to “take”—as in “take good care”—of his daughter. But thankfully, he doesn’t die, as Aqua identifies he’s being cursed by a demon and purifies him, restoring his health.

That demon is Maxwell, whom Aldarp summoned with a Divine Treasure. When Aldarp is beating Maxwell for failing to secure Darkness for him, Darkness suddenly enters the room … but it’s not Darkness, it’s Vanir. Vanir is here to bring Maxwell, whose contract with Aldarp is over by Aldarps own words, back to Hell. But first he lets Maxwell “feed” on Aldarp’s particular emotions, specifically despair, of which he’s something of an afficianado, unlike Vanir.

When Aldarp’s nefarious plans and crimes come to light, Kazuma, Aqua, and Megumin no longer have to leave town, and even Kazuma’s two billion is promised back to him, though not his patent ideas. Darkness is the source of this good news, but she’s still hesitant of entering the house, since she believes technically she left the party and has no right to come back like nothing happened.

Fortunately for her, her friends don’t give a hoot about her perceived transgression. For all they care, she can go out there and end up in as many toxic engagements as she pleases; they’ll never abandon her, and always fight with everything they have (and own) to get her back. They welcome her back with open arms.

Ands while Aqua and Megumin are later scandalized upon hearing what went on in Darkness’ bedroom with Kazuma, the bottom line is, Darkness is an irreplaceable element of their party, and all of them couldn’t be happier that they’re back together. That camaraderie—that love between these four—has now endured through three seasons, and I wouldn’t complain if there was a fourth.

Author: magicalchurlsukui

Preston Yamazuka is a staff writer for RABUJOI.

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