Goblin Slayer II – 10 – The Princess and the Priestess

The Princess of the Holy Capital yearns to leave the confining palace and go on an adventure like her brother. When he returns from an adventure of his own, she decides she’ll make her move and sneak out. Since we know what happens to naive folks who rush headlong into adventures, this probably won’t end well for her.

She sneaks out the same day Goblin Slayer and his party arrive, and Sword Maiden enthusiastically offers her Temple for their accommodations. She’s also delighted to escort Slayer to the library, but Dwarf Shaman insists they have a meal first. As Slayer, Dwarf and Lizard eat, Slayer shares with them some Big Questions.

He admits he had fun with the sea battle and the escort mission, but wonders if he’s neglecting who he fundamentally is: a goblin slayer. Dwarf assures him that just as steel must go though balance cycles of heat, striking, and cold, so to must people. Lizard adds that most people don’t have a firm calling, but it is perfectly okay to simply live and die while worrying and hesitating.

Priestess pays a visit to the Wizard’s grave, admitting to Archer that she wasn’t with her long enough to know her too well. When Archer sees Priestess is acting so serious for one so young, she takes her by the hand to do the opposite of serious. More specifically, they head to the capital’s lavish bathhouse.

Whlie there, Archer notes that Priestess is still wearing chainmail, which holds a great deal of sentimental value (as Slayer complimented her in it). Priestess also notices a female soldier seemingly watching her, but doesn’t let it keep her and Archer from having fun bathing together.

When Archer runs off stark naked to the saunas, a blonde, blue-eyed girl joins Preistess in the bath, and has a lot of questions about her adventuring and in particular the equipment she uses. Priestess can tell this girl is curious, but delivers a warning about being prepared that perhaps isn’t stern enough.

Priestess returns to the changing room to find her robes, chainmail, and staff are gone. In its place she finds the clothes of the soldier, who left the Priestess’ money pouch. When next we see Priestess she’s wearing the soldier’s clothes, and I thought for sure that Slayer would compliment her anew, since she looks very cool.

Alas, Slayer is holed up in his room sharpening a blade. The Sword Maiden pays him a visit with a book for him to study, telling him he can’t let girls cry as Priestess is crying; they typically want comfort from someone close. Slayer acknowledges this, and as Maiden turns to leave, says “Things end up lost,” then mentions specifically his father’s dagger he was meant to inherit, but ended up lost.

Sword Maiden says she’ll bring it up at the royal counsel at the palace the next day. His Majesty holds court as his advisors report on the “flaming stone from the heavens”, the possibility of having to summon the Hero and her party, and a strange new religion worshipping the “God of Wisdom.”

When it’s Maiden’s turn to speak, she gives some general big-picture report on the state of the world, but then gets extremely granular in reporting the theft of Priestess’ clothes and staff at the bathhouse, then declaring her believe that all goblins should be destroyed, creating some sweat beads on her colleagues’ faces.

Her mention of the theft connects to an urgent report given by a messenger of a young woman in holy robes being given a ride on a merchant’s wagon, only to be attacked by goblins. The merchant got away in order to get help, but the girl was taken by the goblins … and that girl is none other than His Majesty’s little sister, the Princess.

Needless to say, this is very bad for the Princess. She’s lucky she wasn’t assaulted on the spot, but there’s no chance in hell she’ll come out of this entirely unscathed either physically or mentally; not with what looks like a high-ranked goblin pope-looking mfer in charge.

His Majesty is loath to send his army out there, as the scandal of the princess stealing a priestess’ robes and getting captured by goblins will hurt the kingdom’s standing. He and the other advisors turn to the Sword Maiden to take care of this matter, as she is both capable and trustworthy.

The mere mention of having to deal with goblins absolutely petrifies the poor Sword Maiden, so it’s a good thing Slayer and his party are right outside the meeting room, heard everything, and are ready, willing, and eager to go. Time for Goblin Slayer to get back to doing what’s on the tin.

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Author: braverade

Hannah Brave is a staff writer for RABUJOI.