Insomniacs After School – 13 (Fin) – Something’s Different This Time

Isaki cannot contain her exuberance upon learning that Ganta will indeed be “kidnapping” her so they can go to the Mawaki Site together as planned. After making her gran’s house spotless and packing up, the two are the only ones on the bus, and the excitement of what they’ve done starts to mount. They know they’re being rebellious, but they don’t care; they’re together, damnit.

While the weather let them down at the meteor shower party, it sure as shit doesn’t here; their guile and adventurousness is rewarded with an absolutely perfect sunny day. When they finally reach the ancient landmark, which is over six millennia old, Isaki is again so excited that her feet leave the ground, and she ends up falling on top of Ganta. They stay that way, this time fully awake, and she admits she was afraid he’d go there without her.

Obviously, that was never going to happen. That the site is of one of the oldest continuously occupied settlements in all of Japan, lends a momentousness and poignancy to the achievement. The two enjoy each other’s company as the sun goes down and makes way for a stunning starry sky. Ganta opens up about an early memory of his mom holding his hand while pointing up at the same sky.

At the time, Ganta was scared; it was too big and mysterious for him. But now, with Isaki there, he’s able to say it’s pretty, just as his mom did. Even if she left, he’ll always have that memory, and now he has all these new memories with Isaki, whom he admits is also special to him. In fact, he takes her hands in his when she’s not expecting it and tells her he loves her, and will always love her, as they make more memories in the future.

Isaki collapses with pure happiness in response, and suggest they commemorate what for her is the happiest moment of her life by taking photos of one another. Doubtless even if the camera was broken, neither of them will ever forget this night.

We don’t witness Isaki’s parents picking her up, but hear from her friends that she got the stern talking to of all talking tos and then grounded until the start of the next school term. They admire both Isaki and Ganta for putting it all on the line for love. Ukegawa lets Shiromaru know that Ganta won an award for his photo at the Mawaki Site, so the Astronomy Club won’t have any trouble getting funds.

Isaki and Ganta are apart in the final scene of the episode, but only physically. In their minds and hearts they are connected via Isaki’s radio show for an audience of one: the boy she loves. Neither of them have any regrets, and look back on all the places they’ve been to and things they’ve done together, and look forward to more to come.

Isaki also says that she’s no longer having trouble sleeping out of anxiety, but out of excitement, as she and Ganta prepare to undertake their greatest adventure yet: one of love and partnership. And so the book closes on one of the gentlest and most wholesome romance stories I’ve had the pleasure to watch since the Ghibli classic Whisper of the HeartI don’t expect anything airing this Summer to remotely match its power!

Masamune-kun’s Revenge R – 01 – Terre d’amour

Masamune is still committed to making Aki fall for him so he can immediately dump her as revenge for rejecting him. To that end, he plans use the class trip to Paris to further his Dead-or-Love plan.

What he didn’t bargain for was Aki, apparently still vibing off how things ended last season, being uncharacteristically serious and direct with him about finding time to hang out and talk properly.

He also didn’t expect to bump into France’s #1 otaku, Muriel Besson, who takes one look at him and declares him her amateur rom-com manga character “Chikuwa-kun” in the flesh.

I love both Masamune and Aki’s reactions to just how much Muriel is, and how Masamune takes Aki’s arm to gently turn down Muriel’s request. But whether Muriel ran crying to her big-shot big bro or he simply has eyes on her at all times, our duo is cornered in a dark alley by his hired goons, and basically insists that they help his dear Muriel with her manga.

Masamune reports to his master Yoshino, both on his and Aki’s new duty to Muriel and the fact that Aki came to him unbidden. Yoshino, who it’s clear from their fist bump still likes Masamune herself, continues to wear the mask of trusty mentor and Dead-or-Love co-conspirator.

Within five minutes of their next meeting with Muriel, she’s within inches of performatively kissing Masamune before Aki breaks the two up. Both Aki and Masamune can’t hide their embarrassment as they insist on teaching Muriel what real Japanese romance is like, starting with the fact that it’s a lot less loud than French romance!

There’s a lovely meta quality to Masamune and Aki agreeing (albeit under duress) to act as the ideal high school rom-com couple. On the margins, we see that Kojuurou still has a crush on Neko, Neko hasn’t given up on Masamune, and Tae is rooting for Kojuurou.

Finally, Kanetsugu is on to Yoshino and Masamune, and even has evidence as he snapped a photo of the fist bump that proves they’re in cahoots. But as he’s exposing Yoshino’s secret, he’s concealing his own: he’s actually a girl, and is binding her chest to pose as man, trying to use love to get money for her family.

There’s plenty of swirling secrets, deceptions, love triangles, and intrigue this week. In other words, it’s another season of Masamune’s Revenge, a story I’d hoped would one day get a satisfying conclusion. With this encouraging opening salvo, that hope has found solid footing.

Rating: 4/5 Stars