Heavenly Delusion – 13 (Fin?) – The Final Outside

The four older former occupants of “Heaven” explore more of the woods outside the outside of the breached wall, but Mimihime heads back to check on Tokio, and Shiro follows, while Taka and Anzu continue on.

Sawatari mixed up Tokio’s child with its twin—or more likely clone, and basically guesses as to which is which, and which one is the one to whom  Tokio gave birth. Maru, likely one of those babies, is weary of how long Kiruko has been gone.

When he reaches the bridge to the Large Filtration Plant, two guards try to stop him, but when they mention Robin is “having fun” with an “old flame”, Maru tosses them into the drink. The two guards outside the plant are also no match for a Maru on a mission.

The Haruki within Kiruko sees a memory that couldn’t have been his, and he contemplates whether (and how far) he has merged with his sister, finally wishing that Maru would save them. Just then, the door to her room opens and there is Maru.

When Maru spots an open-shirted Robin carrying a tray of coffee to Kiruko’s room, he death-stares him into a dead end. Every time Robin tries to flee, Maru pushes him back into that dead end, then starts punching the shit out of him, something Robin most definitely deserves.

Sawatari and Aoshima present Tokio with her baby—it only eventually dawns on her that this is what was taken from her body—and the two seem to imprint immediatley. When the demented, bloodied, but still tickin’ Director tries to take the child from Tokio, the latter’s eye’s glow and the director is engulfed by a terrible light.

Mimihime and Shiro get lost in the woods, and when the ground beneath Mimihime gives way and she starts to fall off a cliff, Shiro dives after her, and cushions her fall. When he comes to she asks why he did something so reckless to save her, Shiro finally a admits he’s in love with her, a fact that seems to make Mimihime weep with joy.

Now reunited with Maru (and dressed), Kiruko laments over how weak they are, but Maru takes this opportunity to make clear that he’s sure he’d be friends with Haruki, and he’s into girls, it’s Kiruko—not Kiriko or Haruki—whom he loves.

Kiruko tears up their photo of Robin, as the ideal of who he was is gone and was never true to begin with, and scatters the torn bits into the wind. Now that they’ve completed what they wanted to do, they recommit themselves to searching for Heaven in the van with Maru.

Back in the past, Mimihime, Shiro, Anzu and Taka are on a boat bound for a big, brightly-lit city, which confirms they’re living in a time prior to the fall of civilizaiton. But if these children are doomed to become vicious monsters, that shining civilization isn’t long for this world.

So Heavenly Delusion rather abruptly ends without much fanfare. If I wasn’t sure this was the final episode of the season, I’d have expected another one to air next week. There’s been no official announcement of a second season, but I fully expect there to be one considering the popularity of the series.

Sharing a lot of parallels with The Last of UsHeavenly Delusion was an immersive, often gripping, and occasionally funny journey through both an impossible utopia of cloistered kids and the journey of two kids who aren’t sure quiet who they are.

Even if Kiruko isn’t sure who they are, we end with Maru asserting that he’s quite sure, and that he’ll protect them when they need it and they’ll protect him when he needs it. If and when the second season airs, I’m sure both of their roles will be tested thoroughly.

Rating: 4/5 Stars