Synduality: Noir – 18 – Songtress of the Sky

When Ciel reports to Weisheit, she plays things cool, but it was clear from the start that she remains conflicted. It’s all over her face, and Weisheit, who was apparently her Master all along, would doubtless be able to see it too. Why else would he shove the captive Kanata in her face and tell her he’ll be eliminated if he can’t find a use for him.

After awarding her a necklace with what I assume to be the crest of Amasia, he sends her off to relax, and she ends up crossing paths with Tokio, AKA Licht, AKA White Mask. If there’s any doubt about his loyalties, it’s eliminated when we see him and Mouton fixing Kanata’s Coffin. Ciel doesn’t remember Licht or Mouton were with Weisheit in the past, because she no longer has those memories.

Mouton says Weisheit always liked to “play with his doll,” and when he inevitably gives her the choice of killing Kanata in exchange for her freedom, it occurs to Ciel that all of this has happened before. Weisheit reformats her and wipes her memories, then presents himself as her ideal master. But she feels there’s no escape from the cycle. She’ll always follow his orders because she always has.

…That is, until now. Kanata reminds her of her dream to sing for as many people as possible. She tries to tell him following Weisheit’s wishes makes her happy. He tells her if that’s the case, why she looks like she’s crying. Then she tells him about the endless cycle she’s stuck in, and he tells her it’s messed up and unforgivable, which is is. Then he tells her he’ll save her. He’ll break the cycle.

Kanata takes her hand and walks out into the corridors. As he does, Ciel considers if she’s doing exactly what her master predicted by turning against him and going with Kanata. Even if that’s the case and this ends the way all her past lifetimes have ended, she’s going to live this one to the fullest. They board Daisyogre, and Tokio leads him to a lift back to the surface.

As they make their escape, Ciel has Kanata give his consent to create a ring she wears on her pinky which will “keep her safe.” She then asks him to be her master for real, which consists of him placing his thumb on her throat chip. They’re surrounded by Macht and Ideal Coffins, but Ciel keeps her pinky promise to Kanata and sings her new song. And when she sings here, it neutralizes all of the other Coffins.

When Weisheit sees that Ciel has made her choice, he activates the necklace he gave her, which he can use to remotely reformat her. Once that’s done, his first order for her is to kill the man she loves. Only the order goes ignored, because the reformatting never takes place. The ring her contract with Kanata made blocks the reformatting. But it also apparently knocks her out, perhaps permanently.

After getting Kanata out of Ideal HQ, it looks like her plan was to prevent any further resets, even at the cost of her life. It stands to reason her Type Zero body could then be used to separate Noir and Mystere. If that’s true, it’s a noble but tragic end for Ciel, the Magus songstress who fell for a human.

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Author: braverade

Hannah Brave is a staff writer for RABUJOI.