A Sign of Affection – 06 – Sunlight Through Crystal

As soon as Itsuomi kisses Yuki’s hands, she tries to analyze the meaning of such a kiss and briefly overheats. She separates from him, and he texts her if she’s okay, and if she’s okay, to look his way. He texts how Rin seemed to be coming to the bar to see Kyouya. Itsuomi asks Yuki if she was coming to see him. She nods her head, but doubts he knows how intense her feelings have become, or how much she still has to learn about them.

Even so, she signs “I love you”exactly when he’s suddenly looking away on a phone call. Not only that, the call is from Kyouya; they have a private party and he has to go in early, so he’s headed home Also, he’ll be abroad for a month and change that Monday. He asks her (out loud) if he can fall for her, but doesn’t really get an answer. All of a sudden, things seem to be conspiring to delay the inevitable. Damn!

Hell, we even get a scene of Oushi managing to finagle Yuki’s phone number from her mom, who thinks things are all hunky-dory between them. Yuki’s mom: They’re not! Ugh. But then, things start to look up. after the wedding afterparty where Itsuomi nabs all of the ladies’ attention, Kyouya reminds him that he said he didn’t want a girlfriend, in part due to all the traveling.

If that’s still the case, then Kyouya asks him point blank, what is the deal with Yuki. Yes, part of this is that like Rin Kyouya is a ravenous romance gossip gremlin. But he’s also worried about Yuki. That’s when Itsuomi tells Kyouya what he needs to know, and in the same flowery poetic language as Yuki’s inner monologue.

Yuki is crystal clear, having never heard an ill word uttered about her, or anyone. Likening all people to empty glasses at first which eventually get fogged or scratched up. Yuki’s beautiful eyes, hands, and expressions were clear crystal he wanted to gaze at forever. But now he admits he’s not just watching anymore. Like she is with him, he’s become captivated by her.

Kyouya worries that Itsuomi doesn’t realize how “down bad” he is, but he worries needlessly. When Yuki and Rin come by late (Yuki is staying overnight with Rin, so no curfew), Kyouya immediately borrows Yuki. She asks him via whiteboard if they’re intruding, and when he sneezes, she offers her scarf. Instead, he puts his arm around her.

As he holds her, he writes how he didn’t think he’d see her again before her next trip. He was going to tell her something when he got back, but he’s decided to tell her now. When she looks up at him, he signs something, and Yuki’s first thought is whether he understands what he’s signing. He does. Turning to face her, he asks her if she wants to become a couple.

She asks why, and he responds because he wants to go out with her. She asks why, and he responds that no matter where he goes and who he’ll meet, none of those places have her. Her vision gets blurry she can’t see everything he’s signing, but gets the just. When he asks for her answer, she nods very clearly and directly.

That, my dear readers, is how you orchestrate a romantic confession scene. It’s the shoujo romance version of a climactic mech battle or sword duel. Every gesture and shimmer of the eye made the moment feel momentous as it was.

And when the two return to the earth and re-enter the bar with Itsuomi’s arm around a blushing Yuki, our gossip gremlins perk up. Itsuomi’s “Yeah, so we’re going out now” almost breaks them. That shit’s just so pure and uncut, y’know?!

After quickly downing a beer to celebrate (I gotta admit, I cracked one open too – a Heinekin 0.0), Itsuomi offers to walk Yuki to Rin’s place, which lets them be alone together a little longer, and also allows Rin and Kyouya some time alone to process what they just witnessed.

Rin thought Itsuomi was carrying himself the same ultra-cool way as always even after asking Yuki out, but Kyouya, who has known him longer, could tell he was unusually happy; giddy even. Then these two get a chance to blush when Shin pops in asking for Itsuomi, then leaves so as not to be a third wheel.

On their walk to Rin’s Itsuomi makes clear to Yuki that he just let Emma borrow his apartment for a night, something he won’t allow again. It’s a nice gesture, and probably what you’d expect of a boyfriend (i.e. don’t let other beautiful girls who are in love with you crash at your place), but Yuki isn’t in this to control his friendships or “make his world smaller”.

Itsuomi asks if Yuki has a passport. She doesn’t, but she’ll work to get one and save up so they can go abroad together. That’s really the best of both worlds, for both of them. The show could’ve made Itsuomi’s incessant wanderlust and time away more of an obstacle in their budding relationship.

Hell, it might yet, but I’m fine with it instead being an opportunity for Yuki to spread her wings and for their worlds to come together in lovely harmony. What an absolute romantic banger to herald in Valentine’s Day next Wednesday. And this is just the midpoint of the series!


Author: sesameacrylic

Zane Kalish is a staff writer for RABUJOI.