Majimoji Rurumo – 06


Whoa there, MMR, why’d you have to go all serious on us? I have to say, I was not expecting a relatively straight-laced, happy ending-less pet drama, but I’m not going to say it wasn’t nicely done, while serving to further progress Kouta’s personal growth, as he learns firsthand how magic can’t solve everything.


Every other street corner in Japan is populated by a box of abandoned kittens, and Kouta happens to find one. His desire for adult gravure magazines is trumped by his decency, as he places responsibility for the trio of fuzzballs on his own shoulders, and is committed to following through until they all get homes.


In the process both Rurumo and Chiro marvel at the fact the cats neither speak English nor serve as familiars. When a reluctant Chiro is forced to look after them while Kouta’s at school, we learn how she was a stray with no pedigree that every other witch passed by until Rurumo, who wanted an “unpretentious” familiar.


It’s a neat little indication that Rurumo and Kouta both have caring hearts, which is probably why Rurumo is drawn to Kouta. When the runt of the litter passes away, there’s nothing to be done but bury him, and the episode closes wordlessly with Rurumo standing beside a grieving Kouta. Yeah…I teared up a bit.
