Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de – 05


InoBato is keenly aware that its best duo, at least so far, is Jurai and Tomoyo, as evidenced by their prominence in the bulk of this episode. Hakoto, Sayumi, Chifuyu and Mirei just don’t click on as many things. This week Jurai accidentally learns a lot more about Tomoyo, but none of it is shocking, and it ends up bringing the two a little closer together.


After an intial isolated scene involving electric guitars that really only serves to create a reason for Jurai to leave his bag in the club room, he returns to find Tomoyo not only practicing Chuuni lines in the mirror, but writing a light novel for an author’s prize. When she sees that Jurai isn’t going to laugh at this, she asks him if he’ll cheer for her.


This is where InoBato’s careful use of language comes into play: considering Tomoyo to be too close a friend to cheer for “recklessly”, he’s more willing to worry about her going down an uncertain path. He agrees to keep it secret as well, so when she gets through the first round, he offers to treat her to dessert to congratulate.


Because it’s a secret, Tomoyo has no choice but to accept going alone with Jurai. She spends an inordinate amount of time choosing what to wear, and is then relieved to learn he’s forbidden form buying clothes, and so looks perfectly normal. They have a lot of fun on their date, but Tomoyo can’t quite work up the courage to arrange a future one.


But while I’d be just fine with them continuing to develop a romance, the fact that it’s all in secret is a little problematic with their otherwise so-tight-knit club-mates. As Mirei learned when she pursued Jurai, the balance of the club centers on none of the girls going after Jurai, but keeping him at a distance to avoid complications.


Without even trying, Tomoyo has upset that balance, and Hakoto seems genuinely pained both when she stops waiting for Jurai as he’s busy talking to Tomoyo, and when she more overtly witnesses the two on a date in the city, happy as clams. Her expression seems to say, “How long has this been going on?”


Author: sesameacrylic

Zane Kalish is a staff writer for RABUJOI.

5 thoughts on “Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de – 05”

  1. Reviews like this remind me of what I love about working in this office: we basically never ever agree on anything ever but the reviews are still fun to read :)


      1. hahaha no — I’m not watching it. I’m making an educated guess that this episode introduces elements that I actually would have liked. Just a guess though!


  2. While i do believe Jurai and Tomoyo have the most similar personalities, my favourite girl would still be Mirei. I love how straight forward she is, brushing aside both Tomoyo and the conventional anime stalling logic to confess to Jurai. Bonus points for also not tripping a death flag when confessing so early. Episode 2’s romance was the best so far for me.


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