To Your Eternity – S2 16 – Cheat Code

Fueled by rage and his hatred of Nokkers, Fushi punches it into overdrive, constantly transforming into different vessels once he gets exhausted, which happens at different intervals with different vessels. Then, when the Nokkers have Fushi cornered, he is rescued … by Kai, Hylo, and Messar, who have been resurrected.

We later learn Bon did so by disconnecting the bodies from Fushi by cutting the rope. It’s Bon’s way of easing Fushi into the realization that he is capable of resurrecting dead people; the three warriors are a trial run. Fushi puts them to good use, but in cases where he transports them from one distant location to another, the fastest way to do so is for them to die.

As the logistics of defending Renril continue to grow in complexity as the battle rages on, the cycle of death and rebirth, and recycling of material (both rubble and corpses) takes on a nightmarish scale and level of efficiency. Fushi can pretty much infinitely conjure crossbow bolts, gun bullets, and the bodies of his three deathless allies.

This is the kind of shit that gives Kahaku pause, because the more Fushi takes on and creates with his expanding powers, the more he risks losing his humanity. You can see it in his relatively blank expression when the warriors decide to kill themselves as a shortcut.

When Kamu and the other citizen soldiers restrain Kahaku, they fear he’s a Nokker (he also cuts off Yuiss’ arm because she got infected, so he really saved her life). Kahaku, perhaps given unique perpective by his left arm, still sees “the black demon” as the ultimate puppet master and not someone deserving of loyalty.

Kahaku is on Fushi’s side; the only one looking after his well-being as a person. Everyone else considers that a luxury they can’t afford, they, including Bon, need him operating at peak efficiency and, where the Nokkers are concerned, peak lethality.

So it’s heartening as Fushi continues to get swept up in a maelstrom of death and destruction with no end in sight, he happens to spot March’s unmistakable calling card: a handprint that indicates she’s “doing great”. I wish I could say the same of Fushi!

Rating: 4/5 Stars

To Your Eternity – S2 15 – The Enemy in Front of Us

The Nokkers’ initial attack is with massive trebuchets that can fire projectiles at Renril’s walls from many kilometers away. While well out of reach of the city’s trebuchets, Fushi has set roots well outside the walls, and sets to work demolishing the Nokkers. Seeing Fushi so exhausted so early in the battle does not bode well, but if he lets up to rest, the city will be overwhelmed.

He notices when March separates from her rope, but it’s something he doesn’t remember feeling before. Bon wonders if it’s because someone was just born, but we know he knows that Fushi’s vessels can resurrect. March is found by a kindly passerby who takes her home so he and his wife can feed her, but she soon escapes and heads off in search of Fushi.

After one of the female soldiers discovers that the Nokkers have poisoned themselves so that they would poison the main water supply when attacked, Fushi has to expend even more energy filling the city cisterns with clean water. His Sandel vessel collapses while defending the walls with Bon, Kai, Hylo and Messar. Then one of the projectiles fired from the Nokker trebuchets cracks open like an egg, revealing hundreds of Nokker cores.

The three warriors, Bon, Kahaku, and even Eko take up arms to protect the unconscious Fushi and the rope connecting him at all costs. And there are costs. Dozens have died early on, and Fushi is already devastated, but when he wakes up, he learns that Kai, Hylo, and Messar have all been killed. Eko uses her clay pot to show him how they all died valiantly defending him. Now that they’re all vessels of his, he reproduces their bodies to grieve…and fume.

Fushi has never hated Nokkers more than he has in this moment, and his rage is almost Eren Yeager-esque in its intensity. He conjures his Nameless Boy form and just goes out there and starts hacking away at any and all Nokkers and Nokker-infected people.

Renril still stands, and the majority of its people remain safe. He just has to keep it that way. And in the midst of all this death and the presence of Chekhov’s March, he is eventually going to learn that he can resurrect people.

Rating: 4/5 Stars