Classroom of the Elite – S3 03 – Purely for the Thrill

Sakayanagi Arisu is on the move. She informs President Nagumo that she’s mounting an attack against Class B’s Ichinose Honami. Kei is just getting done announcing that she and Yousuke are done-zo, Arisu visits Kiyotaka’s class asking to speak to … Yamauchi, of all people. Suzune smells a trap, very tactlessly pointing out the obvious: Arisu has no use for Yamauchi, unless she thinks she can use him.

Word of Yousuke being single spreads fast (an omen for what’s to come), and Wang Mei Yu, friend of Shiina Hiyori, contacts Kiyotaka to ask him about Yousuke. He gives her some pretty decent if boilerplate advice about taking it nice and slow since Yousuke probably feels bad about having failed to make Kei happy. Wang is surprised how approachable and easy to talk to Kiytaka is. I have to think Wang will serve a meatier purpose down the road.

That night, Suzune meets Kiyotaka down by the water to report that there are some scandalous rumors now circulating about Ichinose Honami. Arisu is one of the prime suspects, and Kiyotaka further posits that if there’s a kernel of truth to the rumors, it increases its plausibility among the students. Kiyotaka advises no action; they’ll see how this plays out.

Suzune is less patient, and invites Honami over to strategize. While Honami appreciates “their” concern, she’s decided to remain silent about the rumors and simply weather the storm. She doesn’t want them or anyone else getting involved, lest it harm Class B or C.

After Honami excuses herself, Suzune insists they have to help Ichinose because Arisu is their mutual enemy right now. Kiyotaka dismisses her sentiments as “pure idealism.” If Class A can destroy Class B without any cost to Class C, that’s just fine with Kiyotaka.

When Kiyotaka leaves Suzune’s, he finds Honami is still hanging around. She wasn’t listening in on him telling Suzune doesn’t care what happens to her, because she again expresses her gratitude to him, but doesn’t want him to worry about her.

Honami insists she’ll be fine, but the next day every locker has a note stating Ichinose Honami is a criminal. It’s a bold escalation, but at least in the moment Ichinose refuses to respond or take any provocative action. That said, her friends urge her to get an adult involved, which is possibly part of the rumormonger’s plan.

Kiyotaka is Mr. Popular this week, bouncing from one conversation to another, culminating in a girl he’s never met approaching him outside his apartment. Introducing herself as Class A’s Kamuro Masumi (and voiced by Sakura Ayane), she rejects his offer of coffee or tea and asks for—and receives—cocoa instead. Noting how wary he seems of her, Masumi correctly observes he’s nothing like Yamauchi, the potato-kun Arisu spoke to.

Masumi works for Arisu, but she doesn’t know she’s here talking with him. She ended up under Arisu’s employ when she was caught shoplifting a beer, not to drink but for the thrill of it. Arisu blackmailed her, and now keeps her  busy so she doesn’t have time to shoplift. Apparently, Honami has a history of shoplifting too.

Masumi tells Kiyotaka he’s the one Arisu is “most worried about” and wants Kiyotaka to stop Arisu. Kiyotaka rightfully suspects this is all a ruse, and that Arisu simply sent Masumi here to compel him to drag Class C into the fighting. Masumi says she’ll prove she’s telling the truth … by lifting him a beer.

Of course, this just proves she’s good at shoplifting. I’m not sure why Kiyotaka suddenly decides to trust her … and maybe he doesn’t, and simply says he will. In any case, whatever he does next will be equally informed by news he receives from Manabu: Kikyou has made contact with President Nagumo.

Rating: 4/5 Stars

The Ancient Magus’ Bride – S2 16 – Tests of Courage, Stuck in Cages

Violet arranges for everyone to draw lots, pair off, and participate in a late-night test of courage, visiting all of the most haunted spots in the College. Jasmine even recovers enough to join the fun, while the pairings allow for some interesting one-on-one conversations with various characters.

Lucy makes sure she’s paired up with Zoe, as the only reason she’s participating is because Chise asked her. While this is ostensibly a way to make other friends, Lucy prefers to stick with their circle, hence being with Zoe. Chise ends up with Veronica, and wastes no time asking about Philomela.

Veronica assumes that Chise wants her to order the Sergeants to lay off of Philomela, but it’s not that simple. Veronica looks back to when she first met Mela. Someone poisoned Veronica’s food on her birthday, and Mela, who tasted it, experiences the horrible effects.

Veronica is shuffled off for her own safety, but when she learns Philomela survived the poisoning, she orders Lizbeth to allow her to be her attendant. That’s right: she orders Mela’s evil grandmother, who has no choice but to bow her head and obey. I got a lot of satisfaction out of that.

Even though Philomela considered herself a failure, Veronica not only insisted, she also did her hair with her ribbon. While the Rickenbachers get to order the Sergeants around the bottom line is that both Veronica and Mela are trapped in the cages of their family obligations, devoid of free will. By selecting Philomela, Veronica was able to control something, while also giving Mela a “nicer cage.”

Veronica asks Chise why she’s so insistent on sticking her nose in the affairs of a tiny little world she has no connection with, and Chise can’t give an answer. Veronica should already know: like her, Chise simply likes Philomela, and doesn’t want her to to suffer needlessly. Years ago, Veronica used the little power she has to protect Philomela rather than discard her.

Rian gets paired with Violet, who tries to get him to see the error of his ways after he lashed out at Philomela. Violet, who likes to cross-dress, has fallen out of favor with his family, while Jasmine has been dressing and acting more masculine to compensate, as if meaning to switch places with him.

Rian may think things are clear cut, but that’s only natural considering he was taught and born with everything. Some weren’t born so lucky, like Philomela. The haunted place they happen to be in is where there’s a mirror that takes on one’s form when you answer its call, but Rian sees a younger Mela in it.

Isaac, who is paired with Philomela, was another one of the unlucky ones, sworn to the Scrimgeours. He knows Rian is a kind person, but also so straightforward and dense that he hurts without knowing it. As two boys growing up, Rian and Isaac competed often, but Rian always one.

Isaac has been sticking up for Philomela because he feels a certain kinship to her. He may be a blacksmith, not a “shadow” like her, but they both must serve under higher-ranked families. Isaac tells Philomela that they have to vent sometimes or they’ll go crazy.

After the tests of courage are done, everyone gathers to watch a terrible American “horror” movie about a shark avalanche. Isaac and Rian sit together, and Isaac makes clear he’ll neither apologize nor accept an apology from Rian. Instead, he wants Rian to apologize to Philomela, and commit to changing. After his talk with Violet, Rian is open to doing so.

As for Jasmine? It was never her, only the ghost of a former student taking Jasmine’s form. Thanks to Violet and the others, she had the most fun she’s had in years. But as the fun wraps up and everyone parts ways for the night, Elias tells Chise that Alexandra wants her to report to the infirmary ASAP, while the lady werewolf looks poised to act.

While not the most action-packed episode, the fact that all these characters got to interact with one another and have all these heart-to-hearts was just as entertaining to watch, if not moreso, than magical battles, as we learned more about Veronica, Philomela, the St. George siblings, and Isaac, while the episode gave Rian and Chise meaningful nudges towards deciding what concrete steps they can take vis-a-vis Philomela’s situation.

Rating: 4/5 Stars