Ao no Exorcist: Shimane Illuminati-hen – 11 – His Precious Pieces

Shima’s brother Juuzou tells Bon and the others that Renzou has been a double agent all this time. Even before he started at True Cross Academy, Pheles wanted him to accept a recruitment invitation from the Illuminati. Due to his black flames (second only to Rin’s blue ones in power), he’s an enticing target for recruitment, and Renzou also just has a gift for duplicity and spycraft, and a desire to prove himself his way.

That’s how Shima now finds himself aboard the Illuminati’s gigantic flying aircraft carrier, with the chimer-ified Gedouiin prostrating himself before Lucifer, and Lucifer doing all of us a solid and eliminating Gedouiin once and for all. The fact he was wearing a toupee all along really adds icing to the cake. Lucifer’s Number Two, the lady I don’t believe has even been named yet, orders Shima back to True Cross to gather intel.

That’s how Shima finds himself back in Yukio’s class with his buds, including a Rin who is wearing a pink wig and trying to pose as Shima so his absence won’t be felt. Bon gives him a hug, then a brutal headbutt; Izumo uses “Expel Scumbag”, and even Konekomaru can’t help but give him a smack for worrying them so much. And for making them think he betrayed them.

Everyone is suddenly summoned to Pheles’ office so Lewin Light (AKA Lightning) can question Shima and gauge his trustworthiness. Most of the rest of the episode unfolds in this office, with everyone sitting around, which is not all that interesting or dynamic, but the air is cleared about a great many things.

Most importantly, when pressed about the timing of Shima becoming a double agent and everything that’s happened since then, Pheles admits it: everything they’ve gone through these past three arcs has been, in effect, a series of trials to toughen them up for the battle against Lucifer. Rin can bear his fangs and flames all he likes, but Pheles isn’t the enemy. As for Shima, his friends vouch for him, which is all Lightning needs for now (i.e., no torture).

After the meeting, Yukio walks away from Shima to attend to some things, and Shima says he knows Yukio has spoken to “the Commander”, AKA Lord Lucifer. Yukio’s unhinged reaction seems to suggest that he too is an Illuminati spy. But with only one episode left, that seems like a tale for a part two. Here’s hoping it arrives before 2030!

Author: magicalchurlsukui

Preston Yamazuka is a staff writer for RABUJOI.

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