Solo Leveling – 02 – All By Himself

The “commandments” on the plaque in this chamber prove to be key to survival. Jinwoo figures out that approaching or making eye contact with the “god” statue will only result in a grisly death. Instead, he keeps his gaze low and prostrates himself to revere the statue. In response, it suddenly wears a Titan-like grin, stands up, and starts walking around, crushing people.

It isn’t until Jinwoo also figures out that “praising” the god consists of someone standing beside each of the statues with an instrument, which causes them to play music. He just manages to get to the last of these statues, the singer, to halt the god statue’s advance, but not before he loses his right foot. Joohee tries to heal him, but overexerts herself and bleeds from the eyes and mouth.

The final commandment, “prove your faith”, consists of everyone standing within the circle at the center of the chamber. There’s a red flame for each person, plus a ring of blue flames that constitutes a timer. If they simply keep their eyes on all the advancing warrior statues until the blue flames go out, they’ll pass the test and be safe. But that proves too much for all but three of them, who run for the open exit.

The leader of the party is fine to stay, but there’s a problem: Jinwoo can’t walk because he’s missing a foot, and Joohee can’t walk because her legs go out due to all the healing she’s done. So the leader has to be the one to carry Joohee out to safety, leaving Jinwoo to face the full wrath of the statues. It’s here where I had to particularly suspend my disbelief, as the amount of blood coming from his body looks like a lot more than the 1.2 to 1.5 gallons that should be in there…

However, he is still barely alive when he falls on the altar just as the final blue flame goes out. A pop-up dialog box tells him he’s passed the secret quest called “Courage of the Weak.” His reward is the qualifications to be a “Player,” and he’s given a choice: accept and live, or don’t accept and die. Obviously, accepting is the choice here.

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Author: braverade

Hannah Brave is a staff writer for RABUJOI.

2 thoughts on “Solo Leveling – 02 – All By Himself”

  1. I must admit after two episodes I’m finding watching Solo Levelling a bit of a chore. I think episode one and two could have been collapsed into one episode as that mess in the dungeon just went on too long. I’m finding Jinwoo so far isn’t that interesting a hero. At the moment the third episode has just been released and Im hoping Solo Levelling improves, otherwise I will probably be dropping it. If I do, I can still get a good dungeon fix with “Delicious in Dungeon”, which at least has humor (and some pretty solid dungeon lore) going for it.


    1. Not gonna lie, I was pretty much where you were after two episodes. I pretty much always enjoy A-1 series because the production quality is always top notch, but there’s great (86) and less great (Aldnoah Zero). The first episode in particular was underwhelming. So I’m glad to report things are a lot more interesting in episode 3, and made me look forward to episode 4!


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