Spy x Family – 35 – Island Time

With the bombs defused and the bad guys eliminated, all that’s left is for the Forgers to enjoy a day together off the ship on a picturesque island. Naturally Anya makes a big deal of alighting from the ship, complete with superhero landing, and gets Loid to run along with her. When he realizes Yor is waiting for them and watching him running towards her, he immediately blushes.

I can’t tell you how nice it is just to see these three people back together again, even if they’re still a long way from being honest to each other about their jobs and abilities, we’ve rarely seen them so relaxed and happy. Even at home there’s a sense of keeping up appearances, but this excursion is all about having genuine moments of fun as a family, and they’ve never looked more real.

That said, between pedaling a tandem bike 50 mph, spelunking, snorkeling, and walking all over the island town, all of Yor’s exertions and complete lack of sleep the last couple of days finally catches up with her. Fortunately, when she passes out it’s right into the safety of Loid’s shoulder. Anya is also tuckered out, which means he has to carry them both back to the ship. But while he initially looks put out, he allows himself a smile, as if to realize hey, this isn’t that bad!

When Yor is back in the office, her dubious sense of taste in souveniers is exposed when her co-workers bristle at their skeleton keychains. It’s the thought that counts, gals—check your attitudes! Yuri is also super-cheerful knowing Yor is back, and makes immediate plans to visit.

Back at school Anya tries to act like a big shot, but when Becky learns she was “just” aboard the Lorelai, then wows the classmates with her break spent with a celebrity, Anya resorts to lies (Octopeople) sprinkled with unverifiable / unbelievable truths (Barnaby is a celebrity … among assassins!).

Anya gets laughed at for her embellishments, but after class Becky has her back, telling her that to be a proper lady she has to live her truth. Damian commented that if nothing else, Anya is never boring, but they could be good friends if they dropped their respective acts and just acted normally around each other.

When Anya reports her bad day to her folks and Yuri, both Loid and Yuri launch into inner-diatribes both promoting proper lying (Loid) and condemning it as the resort of trash people (Yuri) before being much more succinct out loud (Loid: “lying is bad”; Yuri: “liars are trash.” Yor and Bond are stuck in the middle, and the episode ends on a somewhat tense and awkward note, but not so much that it detracted from all the lovely family moments that preceded it.

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Author: sesameacrylic

Zane Kalish is a staff writer for RABUJOI.

2 thoughts on “Spy x Family – 35 – Island Time”

  1. This was such a sweet episode! I loved seeing the family together again and enjoying a much deserved day of play. I thought the end was pretty funny, when Yuri and Loid had their own opinions about lying, but told Anya the responsible answer rather than what they were thinking. Of course, Anya heard both versions regardless!

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