Rent-a-Girlfriend – 25 (S3 E01) – The Best Omurice in the World

The third season starts with the realization that however difficult Kazuya knew making a movie starring Chizuru would be, it’s turning out to be a lot harder. Kazuya’s “pitch” page to the crowdfunding guy is pathetic—no photos? Really?—but failure is the greatest teacher, right?

The third season also shakes things up by introducing the fifth girl who moved into Kazuya and Chizuru’s building. And I love how they introduce her, almost as a meta audience surrogate telling them to keep the balcony chat down or start dating already!

The girl is actually a first-year student at Kazuya and Chizuru’s college, named Yaemori Mini (and voiced by Serizawa Yuu). While curt on the balcony last night, Mini proves she’s actually quite warm and friendly when not “making her position clear”, which is always good way of doing things! She’s also an anime mobile game otaku with seasonal waifus. Aren’t we all…

When Mami, up in the top of the frame, overhears Kazuya’s friend mention how their boy is focused on his laptop all the damn time. They joke about him watching porn in public, but Mami clearly suspects something else and is clearly going to dig into it because yes, she has no life! At the same time, I love Mami’s potential to unleash chaos at any moment.

When Mini (not to be confused with Mami) makes Kazuya and Chizuru both self-conscious about the balcony talks, and perhaps how they came off as a bickering couple to a stranger, the talks end, and Kazuya is morose. His inner monologue is at its very most insufferable when he gets a text from Chizuru asking if she can come over.

I’m more willing these days to give Kazuya the benefit of the doubt when it comes to this monologue. It’s pure uncut cringe, but it’s supposed to be. These are his deepest, darkest thoughts amplified for our displeasure. What’s important is that he doesn’t act on them.

Kazuya is a horny-ass college student, but when he thinks of his promise to Chizuru—and to her Gran—he’s able to settle into a “grown-up” gear. Yes, Chizuru is in his apartment, they need to meet about the movie. About her dream.

Kazuya is convinced he’s pretty much in love with Chizuru, but as for Chizuru? That remains complicated, and I like that too because it increases the tension; creates a little discomfort in what has otherwise become a comfort food.

Is she hanging out with Kazuya, sending him cute photos, and making him omurice out of pure obligation because he made such a serious promise to make her dream come true? Or is she also doing all of that to get a little closer to him, perhaps to learn more about him?

Kazuya probably slammed way too many Monster energy drinks, and neglected his college studies way too much, but I gotta give the bastard credit where it’s due: he did offer a very detailed and realistic budget, and also doesn’t budge on the question of Chizuru not being paid to act in the movie.

She’ll be paid, and in order to get this $12,000 budget off the ground, he’s prepared to invest his own savings (all of $700), because this isn’t just her dream any more, it’s his too. They exchange some very complex expressions before Chizuru gets up to leave.

Of course, she opens the door just as Ruka shows up at Kazuya’s doorstep. Love. It. So damn messy. Kazuya can feel his relationship with Chizuru changing, but that’s happening organically, not as a result of his scheming. And while we can’t read her thoughts to the same extent as Kazuya’s, Chizuru must be feeling that change.

But will RaG let this change continue? Kazuya getting used to meeting with Chizuru in private? Kazuya making it clear to Ruka ( and to a weirder extent, Mami) that he loves Chizuru? An actual goddamn movie being made? Look, I know grannies, I had two of them. They don’t care if you never star in a movie. To them, you were perfect the moment you were born. Even so, Chizuru wants to make this happen, and I want to see it happen!

Rating: 4/5 Stars