TenSura – 16 – Besties with a Demon Lord

Gazel Dwargo marks the start of the alliance between the Jura Tempest Federation and his kingdom by giving Rimuru the gift of Vesta, who he doesn’t want working for him anymore but knows can still be of use. Gabiru and his posse also appear, looking to be useful to Rimuru.

Rimuru ends up naming all of the Lizardmen, resulting in their evolution. Some, like Gabiru’s sister, take more human form, while Gabiru turns purple and sprouts wings but retains his inimitable personality. Rimuru sets him to work in the caves harvesting healing herbs, and gives Vesta a lab in which to research healing potions.

Meanwhile, at Demon Lord HQ, the twintail loli dragonoid Milim Nava is watching TiVo footage of Rimuru defeating Geld, and wants to meet the Slime immediately. And she does mean immediately; she launches herself from the castle straight to a hill in Jura where Rimuru, sensing a massively powerful entity drawing near at incredible speed, awaits.

The Great Sage estimates that even when she’s just playing around with Rimuru’s Kijin generals, she’s over ten times more powerful than Rimuru. Rimuru approached her carefully, but the Kijin, assuming their leader’s life was in danger, started a fight they couldn’t finish. Rimuru bails them out and nicely neutralizes Milim by giving her a taste of…honey. Sweet, delicious honey.

Milim, whom Rimuru can tell is an impressive “prodigy” but as much of a child as she looks, manages to convince Milim not to cause any trouble in exchange for a jar of the sweet stuff. Gabiru almost immediately ruins things when Milim enters town, but later apologizes once he learns she’s a Demon freaking Lord.

Indeed, the entire town (which is looking much more civilized and built-up these days) welcomes the new alliance between Milim and Rimuru, when the former announces to a crowd that she’s decided to live there. Milim is notorious for being someone with whom you don’t want to be enemies, so it’s a great relief that she’s not just friends with Rimuru, but as she says it, “besties.”

As everyone enjoys the new onsen Rimuru commissioned (and Rimuru seems to have no problem going from the woman’s side to the men’s), his top subordinates all consider the politial ramifications of Demon Lord Milim essentially throwing her lot in with the Jura Tempest Federation, as it definitely changes the balance of power among the other Demon Lords.

Still, they leave it in the capable hands (when in human form) of their Great Rimuru (who feels a bit put out by the presumption, as usual). But as Rimuru was able to tame Milim, surely she and Rimuru can protect their new nation from the other lords.

Author: magicalchurlsukui

Preston Yamazuka is a staff writer for RABUJOI.