Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan – 01 (First Impressions)


What is it: A combination of Chrome Shelled Regios (floating cities, giant bugs, flying battlemages) and Majestic Prince (a team of underachieving misfits with issues who need shaping up). The first episode is spent getting the group together, as former ace and branded traitor Kunata Age meets the three members of team E601, notorious as the worst in the Academy City of Mystogan, before being told he’ll be instructing them, to their shock and displeasure.


Why I won’t be watching: There’s almost nothing remotely original about this show’s themes, setting, or characters. It’s about as predictable as these kinds of shows get, from girl-with-toast-in-mouth running into the guy resulting in inappropriate touching. What really got my goat was the fact she asked him if he thought she was flat, when she is clearly at least a C-cup.

The pseudo-Chuuni narcissist isn’t much better, and the less said about the nervous wreck that is the mousey blonde the better. The fact they all come to ridiculous conclusions about Kunata is surpassed by the utter lack of character in Kunata. He’s just sorta…around. Everyone calls him a traitor, without ever being told why, but it’s painfully clear he isn’t really a traitor.


To its credit, the show gets off to a fast start, throwing us right into the middle of an aerial bug battle, but it’s apparent this show doesn’t have the strongest budget. But even a middling battle is better than the painfully slow remaining 9/10ths of the episode, which were just Kunata milling around bumping into the very girls he’ll be instructing.

I’m going to go for broke here and predict I won’t be missing much if I pass on KMKK, mostly because I felt like I’d already seen everything it had to offer, and in all those cases the stuff I’d previously watched was better. It wasn’t terrible, just extremely meh. It’s a big Summer. Don’t waste your time on this one!
