Kimi no Iru Machi – 06


Eba tells Haruto about how she met Kyousuke in school and how he supported her when she had no one else to lean on. When she returned to Tokyo, she learned that he only had one year to live, so she decided to support him by being his girlfriend. When Haruto asks Asuka what to do, she tells him he can’t hide his true feelings for Eba from Kyousuke and still consider him a friend. Haruto visits Kyousuke and Eba in the hospital and declares war; Kyousuke accepts, and Haruto starts fighting to get Eba back.

Color us relieved that despite Eba’s desire to keep her romance with Haruto a secret, Haruto came out and told Kyousuke the truth as soon as he could. Asuka’s advice may threaten any chance she had with Haruto, but it also happens to be spot on. To our minds, it’s more of a betrayal for Haruto to hide his feelings for Eba than to be upfront and honest with Kyousuke about wanting to win her back. Kyousuke is happy Haruto did so, and even feels a bit guilty for stealing Eba in the first place. It takes guts to tell a friend on his deathbed that he’s in the way of your happiness, but that’s exactly what Haruto does.

Doing to might make him  a HUGE cad, but it’s actually kind of exhilarating having such a selfish, contemptible asshole as the main character (He’s a bit like Yagami Light without the Death Note). And burying everything in would only make him hate Kyousuke with time. Haruto is looking out for Haruto. The problem is, we just don’t see any good reason for Eba to leave Kyousuke for him anytime soon, especially considering how obligated she feels to repay Kyousuke for the support he gave her in the past (plus the asshole part). But as slim as Haruto’s chances are of ever winning her back are, they’re still infinitely higher than they’d be if he’d never made the attempt. You can’t win if you don’t play.

Rating:7 (Very Good)

Stray Observations:

  • Just one: Holy Crap, Eba’s sister Rin is an abusive bitch!