Horimiya: Piece – 10 – Scent of a Soulmate

This week we’re (re-?) introduced to Watabe, Izumi’s not-so-secret admirer. He liked the longer-haired, glasses-wearing Izumi, but doesn’t mind this new fun-loving version. One person who does mind all of the attention and affection Watabe is showering on Izumi is Kyouko, who doesn’t like how he arrives at her house with Watabe’s “scent” all over him.

Izumi can’t fathom discerning different people’s scents, such that Kyouko assures him that if she cheats, she’ll let him know. The next day, Izumi sidles up to his friends and smells them one by one, but still can’t really tell one smell from another. When he returns to Kyouko’s house after school, she’s furious, as he smells even more like Watabe.

When Izumi turns around and hugs her, she gets mad because she thought he was finally going to “be rough” with her; marking this the first S&M Kyouko sighting this season. Izumi was never 100% comfortable being rough with her in the first season, but knew that she liked it so indulged her.

She slaps him out of frustration, then runs straight into a wall, and the next day they’re both wearing bandages on their faces and their friends are concerned. It then starts becoming annoying to those friends when Izumi and Kyouko act distant and ignore each other, despite not being able to say exactly why they’re fighting.

That’s just how it goes with couples sometimes, especially when one of them is a stubborn as Kyouko. But when she genuinely starts to worry that Izumi hates her, she withdraws outside in the cold and skips class. Thankfully, Izumi finds her, and assures her that he could never hate her, and in fact he likes her much more than she may realize.

Izumi pulls her arms around from her face and describes her red, embarrassed, tearful face in great detail. Many other women would be quite put off by this mocking, but Kyouko is loving it, and shows a sign of her gratitude by kicking Izumi in the gut. In their own weird way, they’ve made up, and all’s well in Horimiyaville.

The next segment follows up on Kyouko’s obsession with people’s scents, as Izumi comes to class wearing a hoodie since the rest of his clothes are in the wash. Shuu likes the new look, even if it’s copying his own style, while Sengoku warns Izumi that he’s violating the dress code (Shuu is a lost cause).

Kyouko stares at Izumi all day, and he’s not sure why until after school, when she takes him by the hand into an alley and smells his sleeve, and smiles widely because now he “smells like himself” now that he’s wearing his usual cardigan. Kyouko looks so cute in her joy that Izumi kisses her right then and there.

Kyouko admits she’s not the best person, but that doesn’t matter. You can’t choose who you love, and Izumi loves all of her—the good and the bad.