Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night – 09 – The Keys to Heaven and Hell

As Mahiru tells Kiui, she’s more than a little scared by the imposing new project Hayakawa Yukine wants to commission, but is still eager to take on the challenge, as this is an opportunity she may never see again. Kiui reminds her it’s her life to choose. But of course there’s also the Kano angle.

Mahiru isn’t going to respond to Yukine until she speaks to Kano, but wants to learn more about Yukine. Enter Mei, who gives her an unneccesarily exhaustive rundown of the producer’s career. The juicy and concerning bit Mei saves for last: that it’s believed Yukine is behind the “LookIdiot” account that leaks scandalous idol behavior—like her own daughter’s assault.

Mahiru is caught off guard when Kano suddenly calls her to praise her art, even saying it’s okay if it’s “a little skewed.” Mahiru is happy for the praise even if she thinks it’s a bit much, but uses the call to bring up the offer Yukine gave her. Kano, who is clearly upset by this development, warns Mahiru to be careful.

Mahiru asks about what went on with Kano and her mother, but realizes it’s not an appropriate thing to dump on Kano while on the phone, so tables it for now, saying she did what she wanted to do, which is tell Kano about her opportunity before she made a decision.

That decision Mahiru is so conflicted about suddenly becomes a lot more easy to make when she is absolutely showered with praise and wowed by the presentation of the project of which she’s to be an integral part. An entire public park is going to be festooned with her art via projection, while the SunDolls will perform with live 3D avatars of Mahiru’s design.

It is an offer a young and hungry artist just starting to build some confidence simply cannot refuse if they’re thinking about a future in art. Heck, Yukine even points out how Mahiru’s rough draft looked skewed, and when Mahiru  shows her a corrected draft Yukine’s eyes light up with excitement, knowing she knew true talent when she saw it. What about Kano? Yukine says this has absolutely nothing to do with her. Yukine claims to simply have been inspired by Mahiru’s art.

I’m not so sure it has “nothing” to do with it. When Yukine plugged her own socially awkward daughter who worshipped her into SunDolls as a new center who will take them to new heights, she no doubt believed she was doing her daughter a favor.

Kano, AKA Nonoka would be the tool she needed to entertain 50,000 at Tokyo Dome. Everyone agrees Kano is a beautiful singer, but the other SunDolls hate her instantly because they consider her entry into the group to be an act of nepotism.

“Silence them with your talent,” her mother advises. When Kano asks if she’s weird, Yukine brings up her crowd-of-50,000 dream, and tells her being a little weird is immaterial by comparison.

When Kano is asked to write her own lyrics, it’s Yoru’s mural that first inspires her, the words suddenly flowing out at the sight of the thing. It’s a beautiful moment of artistic ephiphany.

Then we finally learn what went down that got Kano kicked out of SunDolls. Her group mate Mero left her phone behind, Kano sees a notification, correctly guesses Mero’s password (Yukine’s birthday perhaps?), and learns that Mero is “LookIdiot.”

At this point, Kano knows that their primary rivals, the Rainbow Girls, were scandalized when footage leaked of members smoking. The fact that this is such a scandal speaks to the problematic nature of propping up ordinary human young women as paragons of perfection and purity.

But Kano is actually a valiant and morally pure idol! She thinks it sucks shit that Rainbow Girls had to be dragged through the mud so that the SunDolls could snag their big gig. So when Kano learns Mero was behind the leak, she punched the absolute shit out of that bitch.

Yukine immediately considered this a betrayal, and worse, an obstacle to achieving her dream. Her dream. Her daughter’s dreams never mattered. To her, Kano is a tool, and one that outlived its usefulness. So she gave her the same treatment as the Rainbow Girls and fired her from the group.

This is the weight Kano carries behind her bright cheery smile and boundless enthusiasm for growing JELEE. She’d been able to compartmentalize it to this point, but when Mahiru announces she’s going to take the job even thought it conflicts with JELEE’s next video, all that weight comes crashing onto Kano all over again.

She handles this poorly, but in a way one would expect, all things considered. Kiui and Mei are understanding of Mahiru’s desire to make it big, but Kano can’t be supportive in this moment. All she can think about is that Mahiru is being selfish, breaking their promise, and calls her a liar and a “jellyfish that can’t swim in the night.”

Even as she says those last words, Kano knows how badly she just hurt Mahiru, because tears well up in Mahiru’s eyes. The episode ends abruptly after this heartbreaking exchange, and we’re treated to a montage of all the best moments Kano and Mahiru had together, including almost every instance of her calling her by her other name, Yoru.

I don’t know if Yukine always intended to take something precious away from Kano in order to punish her for letting her down. But now Kano and Mahiru’s relationship is suddenly in tatters before it even had a chance to truly bloom. It’s a hard pill to swallow. I just hope there’s a way back for them.

P.S. Here’s the face Mahiru used when trying to audition for a role in the final season of Attack on Titan:

Forget dreams; this is pure nightmare fuel….

Author: sesameacrylic

Zane Kalish is a staff writer for RABUJOI.

One thought on “Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night – 09 – The Keys to Heaven and Hell”

  1. Looks to me like Yukine is out to sabotage her daughter’s growing success. No way you commission a complete rookie artist for such a big job. Given that she knew of and approved of the LookIdiot campaign, there is no way her motives are pure for this scheme too. If that is what she is scheming, then Yukine ranks up on the list of anime bad mothers list. Not as bad as Uchika Hanesaki from Hanebado perhaps, but she’s getting up there.


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