Horimiya: Piece – 05 – Tea Is All We Have

First, let me start by declaring my love for the OP to Horimiya: Piece. Like the show it precedes, it’s sweet yet powerful, really underscoring how these are the salad days of these young folks. Speaking of green, it was established in the initial season of Horimiya that while Iura Shuu is bubbly and upbeat at school, he’s prickly and hostile at home.

His attitude only sours further when he learns a boy is calling his little sister Motoko. She’s furious when she learns he intercepted the call. Shuu may not be fully aware of it, but he shifts from “messing with his little sis for the heck of it” mode into “overprotective, interfering big brother” mode. I can’t help but concur with “Moto”: he needs to find a girlfriend.

Motoko is so cute as she prepares for her study session with Kitahara, unable to see it as just as study session even though she knows she shouldn’t get her hopes up. Her plans are ruined when Shuu comes home early.

When Kitahara arrives, he’s met by the sight of the Iura siblings pointing (replica) katanas at one another. But here’s the thing: between the way Shuu sheathes his blade and coldy welcomes him to his home, Kitahara is immediately enamored of Shuu, much to Moto’s chagrin.

Shuu insists that Moto and Kitahara study in the living room…while he’s also in there relaxing, but also ensuring only studying is going on. This is intolerable for Koto, who lets his brother have it after Kitahara leaves, cursing him for the fact that she looks so similar to him and thus isn’t cute enough to get Kitahara’s attention.

Shuu’s home demeanor leaks into his school days, as he tells his friends his sister thinks it’s his fault she’s not cute—something Kyouko immediately disputes. When he tells them that there’s a good chance that the boy Moto likes seems to like him instead, they’re at a bit of a loss.

One morning, Shuu is late for school, and Moto sends him off with toast in his mouth. He bumps into a girl, but instead of it being a meet-cute, it’s just Yuki, who has no interest in Shuu as a guy. They’re soon joined by Tooru and Izumi, who by odd coincidence also happen to be late for school.

When Sengoku greets them and applauds them for being early, it’s only then the four realize that this is the day they only have classes in the afternoon. In the morning, prospective students tour the high school—including Kitahara, from whom Shuu instinctively hides.

His cover is blown when both Remi and Kyouko call him by his family name of Iura, and Kitahara notices him. He asks the girls if Shuu has a girlfriend, and they respond with sympathy and stifled laughter. Shuu is ultimately saved by Yasuda-sensei, making it the first time he actually has cause to thank the guy.

When having lunch together, Shuu’s friends learn his sister is in the same class as the middle school boy they encountered. Kyouko puts the pieces together and realizes that was the boy who is enamored of Shuu. All eyes are on him, but it was never his intention to win Kitahara’s heart, only to mess with/protect his sister in a way only a big brother could.

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Author: sesameacrylic

Zane Kalish is a staff writer for RABUJOI.