Oshi no Ko – 04 – Big in Little Circles

Unlike the lead of the TV drama, Aqua prepares diligently for his time in the spotlight, and while he admits he only has a fraction of Ai’s talent and charisma, he’ll still utilize any and all tools at his disposal to put on a good performance.

This includes sidling up to the lead and calling him ugly, which actually provokes him into a better performance. Aqua sets the stage for Kana to flip on the waterworks and perfectly perform the most important scene in the manga; the one that people couldn’t stop crying over.

The sleep-deprived mangaka who created the source material tells her assistants that she didn’t expect a perfect adaptation, as she’d been warned by other creators not to get her hopes up. The assistants almost feel bad for her continuing to watch the series to the end.

But then the final episode airs, and it makes the creator cry, and feel grateful that her work was adapted. At the afterparty, she makes sure to tell Arima that her performance carried the show to a strong ending. It doesn’t go viral, but everyone who stuck around praise the last episode online to everyone they can.

Arima also not-so-subtly asks Aqua if he has a girlfriend, then looks at him and makes a little interested noise. Unfortunately nothing more comes of that, as the producer of the show chats with Aqua about his interest in appearing in a reality dating show.

Aqua will be fine doing this, as in return the producer will feed him gossip on the people Ai hung out with. The DNA test ruled the producer out as Aqua and Ruby’s father, but now he’s a useful ally in his investigation. I just hope he can fit some dates with Kana in amongst all the sleuthing!

On their first day at Youtou High, Kana appoints herself their unofficial guide, and reminds them that while this is basically a normal high school, it’s overwhelmingly packed with entertainers who are used to the spotlight one form or another.

Despite having Ai’s genes and the resulting good looks, Ruby is nervous. I think part of that stems from how isolated she was in her previous life, but also because she’s not quite an idol yet. The first person she interacts with is Kotobuki Minami, who sports a thick Kansai accent that’s, as she says, “just, uh…a vibe?”

Minami is a well-endowed gravure model, but while Ruby was staring at her chest, she was admiring Ruby’s gorgeous face. Not long after agreeing to become friends, Ruby introduces Minami to Aqua and asks if he’s made any friends. He hasn’t, and he didn’t come here to make friends, but he also tells her she doesn’t have to worry about him being some kind of antisocial loner.

Another one of Ruby’s classmates arrives late because she was doing a live TV promo. That girl is none other than Shiranui Frill, who sports cat-like lemon-lime eyes and is a popular triple threat (singing, danging, acting) and Ruby’s current #1 Fave.

Aqua tells her to just approach her naturally as a classmate, not a fan, then he proceeds to do just that, and learns that not only has Frill seen him in Sweet Today, but she liked it. She also recognizes Minami from a magazine, then turns to Ruby … who has no answer when Frill asks “What is it you do?”

Later at the Strawberry office, Ruby begs Miyako to hurry up and make her an idol, but Miyako tells her it’s not a quick or simple process. She still needs to hire a scout, and is having trouble finding cute and motivated girls who are not already affiliated with other agencies.

That leads Aqua to recommend Kana, whom he knows to be freelance and in need of gigs … and has a cute face. I hasten to note that his recommending Kana has nothing to do with his big revenge plan. He’s just doing it out of fondness and respect for his charming, talented friend and colleague. Our starry-eyed boy may not be so cold and hopeless after all!