Gundam: G no Reconguista – 17


Don’t you hate it when you’re just trying to get some decent shuteye after a busy day of killing people, and the ladies run the damn vaccum?

Well, this is kind of like that, only the ladies are piloting mobile suits to try to collect as much soil and debris is possible from one of Cyarno-5’s ruptured agricultural modules. And Rara at least has Ringo to boss around.


“Um…no…but if you guys want privacy, maybe you should talk in some kind of, I don’t know…isolated space conference room?”


Manny: “Sooooo…why does Captain Mask always yell your name like that?”
BARARAAA: “Hrm……Tourette’s?”


…Meaning there’s still room in his life for someone he can use…like a woman?

Seriously, Manny, quit dicking around and just walk up to him, take the damn Mask off, and ask him what the fuck his problem is.


As everyone starts sending out mobile suits—Capital Army, Amenia, Dorrette—people start getting into a very tiresome hissyhit about who engineered and manufactured which particular mobile suite when. Lots of pride on the line, but not a lot of debris being cleaned up!


Ah, the sacred ship that delivers photon batteries to Cyrano-5 to be sent to earth, making electricity possible—as seen through Noredo’s slingshot.


On the Megafauna bridge, everyone seems to have a say in what their next move should be. Bell suggests that some parties may be trying to use this debris to-do as cover for an attack, and everyone heads to their mobile suits.


Rara yields G-Self to Bell and pilots a 1,000-year old Neodu, but accidentally flips the Nitrous lever. Her ship goes berserk, bumps into the experimental suit Bifram BARARAAAA is test-piloting…


And Bifram goes all General Grievous on Rara.


Geez…you’re asking me? I gave up trying to answer that question last season.


Noredo, meanwhile, feels the “empty nest” around her now that Rara has her facilities back. The other ship’s crew members give her stuff to do, but there’s still a bit of a “What is she doing here” kind of vibe to her presence on the ship now. Other than babysit Rara, she’s really just been there to provide company for Bell.


Of all the things a lack of electricity means, you choose that? You can heat the water with a wood or charcoal fire, for crying out loud!

Still, all the warring sides eventually put down their arms and pick up nets for a collaborative debris clean-up. Peace through space chores.


Keep saying stuff like that, highness, and it will certainly become true. If it isn’t already. In any case, you’re one cloudy mess of a character!


How I wish this Gundam series called itself a specialist.


Author: sesameacrylic

Zane Kalish is a staff writer for RABUJOI.

2 thoughts on “Gundam: G no Reconguista – 17”

  1. I give up. This is just plain silly. And I am not even referring to the dialogue anymore.

    Seriously, this doesn’t feel as high stakes as the show is trying to make it look like. There is just no tension in all of these interactions and skirmishes. The series feels like it’s just droning on and on.


    1. This is why even Zane can’t work up the energy to write a real review. There’s really nothing TO review, except “Yeah, more stuff happened, people said weird things that make no sense, it’s still infuriatingly confusing, tonally all over the place, and eminently forgettable.”


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