Kyoukai no Kanata – 06


In order to afford her expensive bonsai habit, Mirai vows to defeat a nonviolent plant-type youmu on the roof of the school for the 500,000-yen bounty, but it releases a torrent of horrid-smelling liquid that soaks her and Akihito. He tells her the youmu likes girls, so Mirai dresses up to distract it so Mitsuki can take it out; the plan fails, and Mitsuki is drenched in even more powerful stink, which won’t go away until the youmu is defeated. Hiromi says the youmu also likes singing and dancing, but the first attempt fails because Mirai can’t sing, drenching Hiromi. After a week of training with AI, the group puts on a idol performance that has the youmu fully enthralled  but didn’t decide who would deliver the decisive blow, and it douses everyone once more.

A curious cold open, in which idol outfits lie on the floor covered in yellow liquid, and Mitsuki furiously pumps an empty shampoo dispenser, is the harbinger for perhaps the funniest, most inventive, and most satisfying episode of Kyoukai no Kanata yet; one that helps the show take one more step out of the shadows of its KyoAni forebears. It’s the story of a fiasco that starts out as seemingly easy way to make big bucks, but things snowball out of control quickly as this youmu Just. Won’t. Go. Down.The gang jumps from one plan to the next, Wile. E. Coyote-style, learning a little bit from their mistakes each time, but following them up with new ones each time. The episode was also most impressive in that it somehow managed to integrate not only fanservice but a friggin’ idol concert into the episode by making those elements crucial to capturing the youmu and therefore relevant to the story. Yes, there are times when the characters act a little bit too dumb or short-sighted, but the episode knows this as well as we do.

In fact, it revels in it, as things go from bad to worse, despite the gang exerting more and more energy each go-around. Perhaps most hilariously preposterous is the group’s ability to put on a perfectly polished (and beautifully-animated) idol performance in just one week, and turning Mirai’s tin pipes to gold. Again, the episode is quite aware how ridiculous this all is and milks it for all it’s worth – even juxtaposing scenes of the concert with scenes of the torrid week spent training for it, making it seem like far more than a week had passed, and with it, an epic amount of trials and strife. The youmu itself is suitably freaky-looking and confounding. Best of all, it isn’t defeated by the end of the episode; we end up back at the beginning, with Mitsuki pumping that empty shampoo bottle, because she’s already had a hundred showers and used it all, to no avail. The fourth episode showed us this show’s dramatic potential; this episode just as ably demonstrated its comedic chops.

Rating: 9 (Superior)

Stray Observations:

  • Mirai has a surprisingly frank, casual discussion with Akihito about her underwear before remembering who she’s talking to, then whining on her blog.
  • “Shocking Pink” is the episode’s title, which refers to the pink discharge the youmu shoots at Mitsuki, as well as Mirai’s pink honeypot outfit.
  • Everyone in gas masks around Mitsuki seems like overkill against the stink, until Hiromi comes in without one and after a momentary flash of poise, becomes violently ill. 
  • Mitsuki as a bubble girl: another great sight gag.
  • Just wanted to reiterate, too-perfect concert inter-cut with the over-the-top training scenery was just brilliant stuff.
  • On that note, the fact that everyone practiced so hard they all forgot someone had to actually capture the thing.
  • Remember…all this was to make enough money so Mirai could tend to her pricey bonsai and afford to eat – a very random but awesome cause.

8 thoughts on “Kyoukai no Kanata – 06”

  1. It’s interesting that your team enjoyed this ep, because I’ve heard many others didn’t.
    The Japanese head writer for Beyond the Boundary has since profusely apologised for this episode, stating, “Sorry about this…. Just this once I requested to write a silly episode to insert into the series. Next week we’ll return to the original tone/material from the novels”.

    I’m guessing this episode wasn’t well received by the Japanese?


    1. Not that we dislike the more serious elements of the series (the fourth episode was sublime), but we really enjoyed the craft and playfulness of this episode; it’s obvious the writers just wanted to have fun, and it was fun to watch, at least for us.

      Sounds like this was a one-off deviation from the source that didn’t go over so well, but as we never read source material, we never set ourselves up for disappointment (or surprise, in the case an anime transcends its source)


  2. Agree with the high rating. What I really like about this anime is its unpredictability. I was surprised that they will be dancing and singing like idols. That was totally unexpected…


  3. I enjoyed this episode quite a bit as well. Even though it was fillerish in the grand scheme of things, it was really amusing and has more of that KyoAni feel to it so I had fun with the episode. The part at the end when they realized nobody could attack the youmu was just priceless.


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