Amnesia – 05


The heroine finds herself in a new world where Ikku is her boyfriend. Rumors fly around that he treats dating like a game and has dumped all his previous conquests three months after meeting them. However, according to Kent, he has not yet done so with her. Orion reappears but promptly disappears, just before she is able to tell her what exactly is going on.

We’re starting to think Eureka the heroine’s encounter with Merry Nightmare Orion now has her bouncing between universes. Whenever some time passes and she is able to gather information about the universe she’s in, boom, she wakes up back on August 1, in a totally different universe. Well, a slightly different one, at least. It’s all about the details: most importantly, whom she’s dating.

While it’s eventually made clear Ikku and the heroine are a couple, because we know that she doesn’t remember (or is from a universe where they aren’t a couple) there’s a bit of a creeper factor to Ikku. It’s as if the series is relishing putting the poor unwitting heroine in the middle of these relationships with fairly aggressive men who wear the same weird clothes every day, have no notion of personal space, and play nerdy math games.

Of course, the heroine keeps going with the flow. Why bother learning more about where she is if you’re just going to end up somewhere else a couple days later?

Rating: 6 (Good)