Oreimo – First Impressions

I like being wrong sometimes. To put it another way, I like to be surprised, and for my low expectations to be thoroughly rebuked. Such is the case with Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai, (whew), translated as “My Little Sister Can’t Be This Cute”…which is kind of a stupid title. But it isn’t a stupid show.

From the get-go, the relationship between Kyousuke and his little sister Kirino is earnestly portrayed, both literally and figuratively. Case in point: I don’t remember the characters ever devolving into SD or chibi form. I don’t think it happened. Which is nice, because this is a gorgeously-drawn anime, and that would simply take away from it. Kyousuke has a lot of inner dialogue, but that’s fine.

I found myself immediately relating to Kyousuke, having a little sister myself…even though my sister never revealed she had half of Akibahara squirreled away in a secret closet. The bottom line is, their relationship sucked before – they barely spoke – and giving Kirino ‘life consultation’ re her chronic otakuism is as good a way as any to reconnect with her. For a first episode that mostly took place in Kirino’s room in the middle of the night night, Oreimo delivered a great introduction, and I’m left liking both characters and interested in where this is headed. Rating 3.5

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