TONIKAWA: Over the Moon For You – S2 10 – A Matter of Trust

While napping on the tatami, Nasa remembers the night he met Tsukasa. He remains glad he was able to so quickly agree to her offer to go out with him if they got married. If Tsukasa is some kind of immortal goddess, you could say he formed a contract with her that night, though as far as he knows she’s just a normal human girl.

Despite her insistence that they can gaze at the stars from atop a skyscraper in the city, Nasa accepts Tokiko’s offer of a camping trip, and the whole gang decides to join them. Nasa remarks that it’s almost like the wedding reception they never had. Also, Tsukasa may be a ninja.

The calming, intimate environment puts Nasa in the mood, but Tsukasa is worried about being seen—justifiably so, as Tokiko suddenly appears in their apparently secluded spot. She encourages the couple to do what married couples do when their alone, and is reproached by Tsukasa in an aggressive manner that again suggests talking to someone younger than her.

When lil’ Kyuuma gets lost (though it’s later revealed she actually just went to the bathroom), everyone fans out to look for her, and Nasa ends up lost himself. When falls asleep on a comfy flat rock, and again remembers the first night he met Tsukasa.

When she wakes him up and he brings up that night, she comments him for having answered her unusual request so quickly and decisively. It meant he truly trusted her, and enabled her to trust him. He explains that he was able to answer so quickly because he was overjoyed that she turned his way. That’s all it took.

These last two episodes have been slowly peeling back the layers of the onion that is Yuzaki Tsukasa. We’ll see if the show delves all the way down to the core of who and what she is, or hold fast with the partial answers we have and trust us to accept that some mysteries are best left preserved.