Synduality: Noir – 06 – The Ciel’s the Limit

Unexpected bad weather sends Kanata, Noir, Tokio and Mouton to Baccarat Nest. If Desire was the nest of lust, Baccarat is the nest of greed: everything can be wagered or staked. Tokio gives Kanata his share of their most recent Drifter earnings and proceeds to literally lose his shirt (and almost his underwear) gambling. Kanata and Noir look around, and eventually hear the voice of a songstress Noir recognizes as Ciel.

Noir introduces Kanata to Ciel, who can tell cares about Noir, and even teases him by asking if he loves her (he’s not ready for that question). Noir also reports there was nothing on the camera Ciel fixed, so Ciel uses it to snap a photo of Kanata and Noir, to commemorate the moment.

Kanata and Noir then bump into the man in the black mask and his sleepy Magus Schnee, and Kanata proceeds to lose all his money as well. At the same time, Range and Dolce arrive at Baccarat still sore about losing the Maguses they captured, only to find one of them, Ciel, is right in front of their noses.

Range grabs Ciel and Dolce slaps a restraining collar on her; he claims her as his property since she signed her deed over to him, even though he tricked her into thinking it was a consent form to ride his Carrier. Since this is Baccarat Nest, there’s no law firm she can run to…but fortunately, she has allies in Noir and Kanata.

When Range sees the demand for winning Ciel’s deed, he assigns himself a bookie and starts taking entry fees for a battle royale, the winner of which gets the deed. While Kanata is broke, Noir pawns her beloved camera, confident she and Kanata will win. They proceed to use what they’ve learned in the field to make quick work of the other opponents.

Range and Dolce again turn the tables by announcing that they themselves will be in the second round of the battle, accompanied by three henchmen coffins. Gotta love how cartoonishly nefarious they are, especially Dolce with her Ojou-sama laugh.

The man in the mask decides to enter the battle in order to even the odds, having taken a liking to Kanata and Noir. When Kanata asks his name, he says he’s not ready to give it, so Kanata just calls him Kurokamen, or Black Mask.

Mask and Schnee deal with the three henchmen, leaving Kanata and Noir to battle Range and Dolce. Kanata powers through Range’s barrage of insults, but Daisyogre runs out of ammo, he and Noir end up with Range’s gun pointed at their coffin’s head.

That’s when Noir starts to convulse, as if in pain, then take on ethereal form and leap out of Daisyogre. Her clothes and hair turn black (i.e. Noir), and she rains a massive thunderbolt down on Range and Dolce, whose skeletons are visible as they’re electrocuted, adding to their whole Looney Tunes vibe.

The baddies are vanquished once more, and with Kurokamen classily bowing out, Kanata is the winner of Ciel’s deed. Just when I thought Ellie would now have to contend with two AI waifus back home, Kanata cancels his contract with Ciel, rendering her free to continue wandering the world looking for the Master of her dreams.

Before they part ways, Noir takes the camera Tokio bought back with winnings (no doubt betting what was left of his and Mouton’s clothes on Kanata) and snaps another picture to commemorate her and Kanata’s new friendship with Ciel. All’s well that ends well.

There remains absolutely nothing groundbreaking or original about Synduality: Noir, but I don’t think it’s trying to be either. It’s just trying to be an entertaining episodic action/adventure anime with tinges of comedy and romance and bright, fun characters, vehicles, and locales. No excessive brainpower is needed, which works out just fine for a Monday evening.