Jujutsu Kaisen – 30 – Transformations

It’s been just under a month since the last JJK episode aired, and now we’re back in the present with Yuuji, Nobara, and Megumi. We’re eased back into the “normal” side of their dual lives they lead—the dumb high school kid side, rather than the jujutsu sorcerer side.

One afternoon, Megumi heads home, Yuuji has plans to see the fourth installment of an…er, earthworm man movie franchise, and Nobara, disgusted by the prospect of said movie, goes shopping. They’re as comfortable going off to do their own things as they are hanging out together. But who is that woman at the crosswalk who spots Yuuji and Nobara?

After officially recommending Yuuji, Nobara, Megumi, Maki, and Panda for first-grade sorcerer, Toudou Aoi and Mei Mei have a spirited (and awesomely animated) game of table tennis as they discuss the younger sorcerers’ progress. Unfortunately for Aoi, those who recommend someone can’t be the one who accompanies them on their first first-grade missions.

The crosswalk lady confronts Nobara, and we learn that she’s extremely tall. She turns out to be Ozawa Yuuko, a middle school classmate of Yuuji’s. Back then she was quite short and stout, but in the last six months she’s grown several centimeters and slimmed down. When Nobara catches on that Yuuko wants to see Yuuji again, she immediately calls Megumi—or rather Megumi’s driver, with whom she’s on good terms.

When Yuuko asks if Nobara has any feelings for Yuuji, Nobara is immediate and direct in her denial. When Megumi confirms that Yuuji doesn’t have a girlfriend and tall girls are his type, Nobara keeps stirring the pot and summons Yuuji to the restaurant with a series of extremely curt but effective texts.

Yuuji arrives so quickly that Nobara has no time to warn him that the tall, slim lady before him is Ozawa Yuuko from his middle school. She’s worried about him not recognizing her, which could be devastating to her, but true to Yuuji’s character, he instantly recognizes her despite her wildly different appearance.

We actually see very little of the interaction between them that follows, only the bookends of him recognizing her and walking her to the station. I find that a bit of a shame, though we do get to spend some time in Yuuko’s head as she remembers hating all the guys but Yuuji, and Yuuji saying her manner of eating and handwriting was beautiful.

He saw in her things others and even she herself didn’t, and she’ll never forget that, but even then she wasn’t someone who would choose someone who didn’t choose her. It’s likely their interaction in the present was simply a brief, cordial catch-up, much to Nobara’s disappointment. But I have to think she’ll be back in Yuuji’s life at some point no?

Yuuko’s dramatic transformation is only the first of two in this episode. The B-Part involves Yuuji, Nobara and Megumi being placed under Utahime’s command as they investigated someone who by process of elimination must be the mole passing secrets to Getou Suguru: Muta Koukichi, the sorcerer who controls Mechamaru.

Utahime’s team believe they have Muta cornered in the basement where he dwells in a tub full of blood, covered in bandages and surrounded by IVs. But in a nice bait-and-switch, he’s actually somewhere else altogether, meeting with Getou and the always lively Mahito.

In exchange for his information, Getou has agreed to have Mahito heal Muta’s body with his Idle Transfiguration. After that, however, all bets are off, as once the pact is fulfilled they can go on being mortal enemies. Getou sits back and lets Mahito take on Muta, who summons dozens of puppets to fight for him. Mahito exhibits his maneuverability and versatility and sheer power in smashing the puppets to bits.

However, that bum rush of puppets was only meant to be a distraction; Muta is now elsewhere, and he blows up the building Mahito is in, sending him flying onto the top of a giant dam, presumably somewhere near Kyoto. There, out of the lake rises a colossal mecha version of Ultimate Mechamaru, with Muta in the panoramic cockpit.

We learn that Muta is actually a bit of a triple agent, as his loyalties remain with Jujutsu High, insomuch as he intends to warn Gojou, either directly or through Kasumi, about an impending “Shibuya plot”. With his giant mech he’s able to transmute the time he spent “bound”—over 17 years—into cursed energy.

In this case, he spends about a year to launch a cataclysmic beam attack on Mahito. Whether it will take him out or simply lift the veil and enable communication, and whether Muta’s new healthy body will hold up, remains to be seen. But I’m just glad we’re back in present-day JJK, whether it’s for the after school teen antics and middle school reunions or the table tennis or giant mech battles.

My Happy Marriage – 05 – Forced Exchange

It fills Miyo with joy to not only learn that a kimono much like her mother’s suits her just as well, but that Kiyoka picked it out for her. The two are getting on famously, which is a big problem for Minoru. He shows Kaya a photo of the happy couple, and when Kaya sees that the hottie who was at her house was Kiyoka, she’s ready to dump Kouji for him, and thinks she can convince her dear father to cancel the engagement.

Meanwhile, Miyo’s life might as well be paradise, as she throws a dinner party for Kiyoka and his aide Godou as thanks for reuniting her with Hana. Kiyoka isn’t ready for how beautiful Miyo looks when she greets them at the entrance, marking the first time I believe he’s outright blushed. But Kaya continues to stew, considering it absolutely unacceptable for Miyo to be happy, let alone happier than her. Karma’s a bitch, bitch!

Godou is a very lighthearted, forward guy, so after a delicious meal and sake, he takes Miyo’s hands in gratitude and jokingly asks her to marry him instead of Kiyoka. Naturally, Miyo takes him seriously and apologizes, for she wants to be with Kiyoka. Kaya fails to convince her father, who tells her to go practice homemaking, so she takes another tack and tries to convince Kouji to swap fiancées with Kiyoka.

Miyo has another dream, which has me starting to think she actually does have a gift related to dreams. In their most intimate scene to date, Kiyoka holds Miyo as she awakens from her troubling slumber, and promises her that no matter what she’s going through, she’s not alone. She’ll never be alone ever again.

Kouji pays a visit to his father, only to find Kaya is already there, and things are already in motion to swap her with Miyo. While Kaya’s father isn’t on board, Minoru and Kaya believe he will be if it’s Miyo’s idea to leave Kiyoka. Of course, Miyo would never, ever want to do that, but we’re dealing with people with supernatural powers, so they may be able to force her to do or say things she doesn’t want to.

Miyo slips up when she fails to put the amulet Kiyoka gave her into her new matching pouch. She and Yurie walk to his work so she can deliver him a homemade lunch, but on their way back she realizes she doesn’t have the amulet, and not five minutes later she’s being abducted by an invisible man in a car.

While Yurie rushes back to tell Kiyoka what’s happened, Kaya takes her leave, and Kouji gets violent with his father. Unfortunately, even though he’s stronger than Minoru expected, Kouji is no match for his dad, who plants him on the floor and has him tied up. Fortunately, Kouji’s big brother is on his side, and unties him and tells him to go do what he needs to do.

Kouji does that, but he knows he alone isn’t enough to stop his father. So he pays a visit to Kiyoka, and begs him for help saving Miyo. It goes without saying that Kiyoka is going to rescue Miyo, it’s just a matter of how quickly and how righteously he punishes those who harmed her. But I’ll still admit, even though I saw it coming a mile away, actually watching Miyo be kidnapped sent my heart plummeting into my stomach.