Space Dandy 2 – 12


Space Dandy has spoofed a great number of things, but never a courtroom drama until now. What I appreciated was just how polished and professional a courtroom drama it came up with, which still managed to include Dandy trademarks such as a plethora of strange-looking aliens, crazy plot twists, and a story that starts out about as simple as you can get but gradually expands into much more.


The trial also served as a kind of unofficial retrospective of Dandy’s journey thus far. Despite the fact he, Meow and QT are friends, the “defendant’s affidavit” is a lot more harsh and impersonal about their relationships, while Scarlett is forced to admit from the witness chair that he’s never brought in a particularly rare alien. As the incident of the transdimensional batted ball gets more strange, we enter into the quantum and metaphysical qualities that often surround Dandy. That, and his love of Boobies.


What made this episode so good was its dedication to telling a story in a calm and orderly fashion within the courtroom confines it established, not matter how crazy the particulars of the incident get (and they get plenty crazy). The prosecutor is big, flashy, and intimidating, yet respectful, while the defender puny and more reserved but just as tenacious in his desire to learn the truth of things. Dandy, notably, doesn’t say a word through the trial.


Finally, it was just a gas to watch how the twisting trial wove all the individual well-spun threads of the case. A multitude of scenarios presents itself, but the story of the incident is constantly being revised as new information comes to light. Turns out a kid on a faraway planet went a little too far and batted a ball with such murderous intent that it transported the ball into the victim’s apartment and into his head.


Despite the fact there was ample evidence and motive established to convict either Dandy or Rose (or both of them) of conspiring to kill Guy, all of that turned out to be totally peripheral to the true crime. This episode emphasizes the crucial importance of the presence of reasonable doubt. Ironically, it’s a tweeting juror who happens to be on the boy’s feed that flips the whole case upside down. Oh, and the victim wasn’t dead after all, so no harm, no foul.


Dandy is free to go, and his buds, while mildly perturbed he described their roles in his life so callously, are glad he’s back…and then, outside the courthouse, there’s an alien army waiting for him. The episode closes with a “To Be Continued”, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the final episode of Dandy doesn’t bother picking up on this. I could just be one more reminder that the twists and turns in a story never stop, and it’s time for the next adventure.


The super-serious end credits were pretty awesome too.


Author: sesameacrylic

Zane Kalish is a staff writer for RABUJOI.

One thought on “Space Dandy 2 – 12”

  1. Looks like this ep was definitely set up as part of a two-part finale. This season of space dandy has been one big build-up to the fact that dandy is most likely the human embodiment of the higgs boson particle (he is the key to understanding mass, gravity, time and space, quantum mechanics etc) from the multiverse dandies ep, to the limbo ep with Poe recognizing dandy from a past Limbo where they met, to the planet grease ep with dandy’s pyonium starting a mini big bang of sorts, to the ep with Catherine and finally this ep. I would really love to see more space dandy in the future, but if this is truly the end (i really hope not; i have a feeling it isnt), from the looks of the preview, the finale ep is going to be quite a feast for the eyes in terms of animation. oh and it put a smile on my face to see honey driving Dandy’s spaceship; seriously, she needs to become a crew member.


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