Weekly ED: Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete

Waremete, AKA In Search of Lost Future, has proven to be a decent story of a plan to save one loved one but creating another instead, causing a ‘Temporal Love Triangle’ (sorry, but I love that term). As such, it’s full of missed or lost opportunities, cases of bad luck or bad timing, and other general longing and malaise. Yet for all of its tragedy, it’s a beautifully-executed show full of hope and love. Ugh, listen to me going on about it…

Anyway, I good way to sum up its story in musical form is to simply listen to the ending theme, an equally beautiful, earnest piece called “Ashita Mata Aeru yo ne” (明日また会えるよね;We’ll Meet Again Tomorrow, Right?), fittingly sung by Takada Hatsumi & Tomonaga Akane, who voice the lead girls Kaori and Yui, respectively.

This is the first of two arrangements of the song; frankly I kinda like the more subdued version, but couldn’t find any video of it. That version is also accompanied by a tightened-up version of the visuals, which even here in their rougher state are a neat concept: two-dimensional figures traveling in a world made of words.

Author: sesameacrylic

Zane Kalish is a staff writer for RABUJOI.