Btooom! – 05

Sakamoto and Taira enjoy their first meal in a while, and Taira praises Sakamoto as a hero. The corpse of fat man who tried to rape Himiko falls down a waterfall, and when Sakamoto scouts, he sees Himiko at the top of a cliff. She drops a gas bomb, which draws him out to a clearing where she’s ready with four players’ worth of BIMs. He manages to talk her down, but when he steps forward, she throws a BIM at him, but has bad aim.

In their struggle and she ends up shocking herself unconscious with her stun gun. After fighting off temptation, Sakamoto takes her to the stream with Taira, where she tells them how they ended up on the island. Taira insists they still try to get off the island to work things out back home. They’re then surrounded by a pack of giant monitor lizards.

We knew Sakamoto would have his work cut out for him if he ever crossed paths with Himiko, which he was sure to do as the two of them are together in the OP. We weren’t wrong, as he relies on her bad aim and clumsiness with a stun gun. When she wakes up in his arms, she’s still ready to take herself out along with him. Her dealings with men thus far have her convinced that no matter how nice Sakamoto seems, he will end up raping and killing her. Sakamoto even has a moment of weakness when he realizes he could take her panties without consequence, justifying her suspicion.

Thankfully, he deduces why the fat man was pantsless and stops himself. She only ceases her resistance because the stun gun made her numb, but Taira and Sakamoto assure her they’re not her enemy, and just want to go home. Himiko doesn’t,  believing there’s nothing left for her back home. Sakamoto, meanwhile realizes it was probably his mother who voted him away for running down her husband when he was hiding being laid off. Sakamoto was a haughty little shit, and whether his plight is just or not, had he been a nicer son, he wouldn’t be on this island.

Rating: 7 (Very Good)