TONIKAWA: Over the Moon For You – S2 11 – The Light That Never Fades

Tsukasa, Nasa, and their assembled friends are treated to a sumptuous BBQ that spares no expense. But Tokiko confesses there’s something she wants the happy couple to indulge her in as payment. Turns out this is a surprise wedding reception! 

With technical help from Nakiri, Kaname produced a video using totally unrelated photos of Tsukasa and Nasa to tell the story of how they met and got married. When asked to take the stage and give a speech, an initially nervous Nasa rises to the occasion, as expected.

After his speech, Kaname has a wedding cake rolled out, and fits Tsukasa with a veil, a single item that instantly makes her look like a bride. After cutting and eating the cake, Nasa gives everyone a tour of the night sky, demonstrating his encyclopedic knowledge of stars and constellations.

Knowing that this might be a bit dry for some (like Aya) Tsukasa breaks out the fireworks. Chitose is the only one who doesn’t take the bait, but Kaname still ensures Tsukasa and Nasa get some alone time. Before that, however, Tokiko takes Nasa aside.

In casually asking him about how married life is, she also apologizes for being the one who asked Tsukasa to wait two years before reuniting with him. That said, the fact he waited for her proved to Tokiko that Nasa was indeed the person to make Tsukasa’s longstanding wish come true.

With that, Nasa wanders to the waterside, where Tsukasa is resplendent in the light of the full moon positioned directly above Fuji-san. Tokiko told Nasa to ask Tsukasa about what she thinks about why people get married, so he does, and Tsukasa doesn’t disappoint.

She may be incredibly long-lived, but in that time she knows that everyone (else) eventually dies, no matter how rich or famous or accomplished they become in life. She’s seen it over and over again.

That said, she believes people get married because unlike their lives, their love is something eternal and enduring. So it is with Tsukasa and Nasa. She may well outlive Nasa, but their marriage transcends mortal bonds. It’s a light that will never fade.

With that sweet, beautiful, romantic sentiment expressed, the two retire to the special secluded glamping tent Kaname had prepared for them. In this tent is a gigantic king-size bed, and under the circumstances, Nasa wants to fool around with his wife. It’s only natural; the night felt like the reception to their wedding for which they never had a public ceremony.

A wedding night is classically the time when a wedding gets consummated, but with all his book smarts and cleverness, Nasa laments that there’s no surefire manual or guide for inviting one’s wife to the bed. So instead, like countless other couples before them, they’ll simply have to bashfully figure it out on the fly.

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Author: sesameacrylic

Zane Kalish is a staff writer for RABUJOI.