The Ancient Magus’ Bride – S2 10 – Dog Eat Dog

Seth wakes up to find Lucy combing his hair, claiming it’s so he’ll leave sooner. Chise arrives with some mail, including a bank statement showing Seth has deposited a million pounds into her account. She’s also surprised to learn Chise knows Seth, and angered that Chise won’t say how (though in Chise’s defense it would be awkward to say he arranged her sale to Elias).

No sooner does Seth prepare to leave than the same wolf assassins who attacked his bodyguard pounce on him and Lucy; it’s clear both of them were their targets. Lucy recognizes their appearance from the day her family was killed. Chise and Ruth help protect the siblings, while Elias springs into action when he senses Chise is wounded.

Rather than stand and fight, Chise deems the best course to be retreat; specifically into the hidden passage only she and Elias are allowed to cross unchallenged. When the hounds arrive, they’re pissed Chise has no meat to offer, but then the wolves follow and they have all the meat they need.

When the male wolf is set upon by the many vicious hounds, his female mate cries out for the sake of their child, and Chise can no longer stand by and let them both be killed. She agrees to a larger offering to the hounds if they spare the female, who is allowed to flee, but not before beheading her dead mate.

Chise returns to the College with Lucy, Ruth, and Seth to find Marielle has arrived with Seth’s bodyguard. While back in the nurse’s office and recovering from their wounds, Seth tells Chise the story of how he was cast out by his family in favor of Lucy, but he was summoned back to talk her out of her room.

The timing of his arrival was terrible; he returned the day Lucy witnessed the rest of their family be slaughtered. To this day Seth doesn’t know who killed the rest of the Websters and stole their spiders or why, but a rumor spread that he ordered the hit, and thus Lucy distrusted him ever since.

Elias brings Marielle to examine the still-unconscious Simeon, and determines he is still having his magical power drained. When she takes a look into his subsconscious, she is quickly kicked out, but caught a glance of the culprit: The Testament of Carnamagos. She read it once and nearly went mad.

Someone is using the book to steal magic from people. Lucy acknowledges to Chise that she’s in her debt, even if she’s mad that Chise spared the wolves that killed her family. For her part, Chise admits she needs to think about things a little longer. But she may not have much time. Lucy collapses again, suggesting that like Simeon the book still has a hold on her.

As for who holds the book, it seems that Philomela’s matriarch would seem to have something to do with it, as she mentions a “pest”—i.e. Chise—that needs to be dealt with. Will this put Chise and Philomela at odds? Will Mela break from her family obligations for the sake of her nascent friendship? We shall see!

Rating: 4/5 Stars