Amnesia – 02

Eureka the heroine wakes up after her encounter with the girls, wondering if she broke a promise and caused someone harm as a result of her amnesia. She decides to join her co-workers on a 2-night orientation trip to an island where they’ll be able to see a meteor shower. She gets flashbacks of Kent at a festival and of Shin confessing to killing someone, and when she ends up alone with Shin, she panics, and ends up falling off a cliff. She comes to in a hospital. It’s August 1 again, Shin comes in to kiss her, and Orion is gone.

The mysteries continue unabated this week, with the poor unnamed heroine’s plight becoming more and more complicated and confusing. It’s bittersweet feeling, as we’re enjoying all the intrigue, but at the same time frustrated that we just don’t know anything concrete yet. On more than one occasion Orion apologizes for being useless, but really, where would the heroine be without her guidance? Well, we may find out next week, as it would seem she’s gone back in time, her neck is bandaged, and Orion is nowhere to be found.

Is Orion being trapped inside her soul the main cause of this, or are matters more complex than that? How much time traveling has she done? Are there paradoxes to resolve? (sorry, we’re deep into FFXIII-2). It seem’s she’s had/has/will have some kind of romantic connection with all the guys (explored in both OP and ED) at some point. Who knows? She doesn’t even know who she is, only that she’s apparently quite popular, despite spacing out all the time. We haven’t even mentioned that weird photographer guy. Curiouser and curiouser…

Rating: 7 (Very Good)