Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited – Hyoubu Kyousuke – 02

Andy acclimates to life aboard the Catastrophe and meets the various members of P.A.N.D.R.A., each of which has a unique esper power. Hyoubu takes him on his first job, meeting with the mafia in Venice. They make good use of Andy’s power negation to foil the mafia boss Carlo’s plan to take out Hyoubu, who turns around and kills him with his “Unlimited” power. They return to the Catastrophe and have a celebratory shindig.

The first episode introduced us to (anti)hero Hyoubu, his pint-sized ward Yugiri and his newest employee, the two-faced Andy. This week we meet more members of P.A.N.D.R.A. and learn what it is a criminal esper organization does with itself, besides cruise around on giant yachts. Yugiri is a mind-readers; Momotaro has the body of a squirrel; Magi can change his form into, say, wings, which he uses to fly. Momiji can teleport. Yoh manipulates sound. All these skills prove valuable in Andy’s first official mission, which amounts to killing off a mafia boss and old friend. Andy’s passive power – to negate the powers of others, is perhaps most powerful and useful of all, which is probably why Hyoubu is keeping him around.

Some like Magi don’t trust him – and they’re right not to – but he defers to “Major” Hyoubu, an 80-year-old Dorian Gray who’s stayed young by using his esper powers (and drinking lots of milk). Hyoubu may be exceedingly confident, but as the incident with the mob boss proves, he doesn’t strike us as someone who will let someone pull the wool over his eyes. He’s a survivor. We’ll also note that Andy was struck by the family atmosphere of P.A.N.D.R.A. when off-duty. It’s definitely not what he expected – there are even orphan espers aboard, suggesting Hyoubu is an immortal gangster with a heart o’gold. Or maybe he’s just making sure he has a deep bench of esper “talent” waiting in the wings?

Rating: 6 (Good)


One thought on “Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited – Hyoubu Kyousuke – 02”

  1. 1st thing 1st! Go see the 1st episode of Kotoura-san. Its not the greatest anime out there & the following episode might not be as good, but it is a nice surprise this season. Hey, Kurogane & Avvesione seems to agree.


    “…suggesting Hyoubu is an immortal gangster with a heart o’gold. Or maybe he’s just making sure he has a deep bench of esper “talent” waiting in the wings?”


    Oh yeah, he’s a good guy alright…just, well, broken beyond repair. In the main story he fully expected himself to die horribly in his quest to safe all of the ESPers in the world. Even if he didn’t KIA he’ll still going to die due to his accidentally gained super esp.

    He is just like Magneto of the X-men comic, just more well-planned & even more insane. Oh & he’s a pedophile too.


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