Horimiya: Piece – 09 – Let Them Eat Cake

This week focuses more on the faculty of Horimiya, primarily Yasuda-sensei. This is unfortunate, since Yasuda-sensei’s whole deal is he harbors an inappropriate love of high school girls, and this is always played for comedy. While the age of the source material is partly to blame (2011, when most people still used flip phones) and I’m a big fan of Tsuda Kenjirou, this never doesn’t feel gross and wrong.

Fortunately, he gets some degree of comeuppance throughout the episode as his authority is undermined and he is mocked by students and chastened by his fellow teacher, the long-suffering Terashima-sensei. When he’s sleeping in the lounge, two third years give him little pigtails, which cause his class to roar with laughter once one of them (a tardy Yuki) points them out.

The skeevy Yasuda is contrasted with the more harmless Nakamine-sensei, whose only crime is being forgetful when it comes to keys (along with names and faces). Yuki decides to help him out by sewing the hole in his lab coat pocket. Why they do this in a dark classroom, I don’t know, but both Yasuda and Tooru are outraged.

When Tooru sees Yuki about to take Nakamine-sensei’s hand in hers, he can’t help but bang on the glass, alerting them to his presence. He later learns she was reading his palm, and proceeds to read his as well. Tooru is happy Yuki is holding his hands, but isn’t aware that the whole reason she keeps a sewing kit on her is that he loses so many buttons.

Izumi, Tooru, and Shuu meet up for special “guy’s time” and start describing what sounds like a dirty magazine, but turns out to be a giant cake when Yasuda tries to catch them red-handed. The prospect of them scarfing down a cake in a dark classroom is hilarious, because it underscores what innocent dorks they all are.

But this still lands them in trouble as a big cake somehow isn’t allowed. Yasuda gets more than he bargains for when the three team up to pepper him with questions about his living situation and love life. He tells them he won’t let them visit him unless they bring the girls, which, again, isn’t really funny.

Sengoku is in a spot when he ends up locked in the StuCo room with a “slumbering demon”, i.e. Kyouko. When she wakes up she’s cross, but calls the number on the student handbook and they’re let out by Yasuda. After they both use the restroom, he asks if they were up to anything unsavory, and suggests they strip in order to prove they weren’t.

Fortunately for Kyouko and Sengoku, Terashima-sensei is still there, and lets them go while she deals with the pervert. The next day Yasuda has been reformed to the point of brainwashing, but the episode declares that he’ll be back to normal tomorrow. I’d prefer if he lost his job for his inappropriate comments, but hopefully the remaining eps of Piece contain as little of him as possible.