Jujutsu Kaisen – 32 – Between the Veils

Gojou arrives at B5 of Shibuya Station as requested, and sees that there are two distinct veils in operation. Waiting for him on the tracks are Jougo, Hanami, and Choso. We then switch POVs to Yuuji, the only one whose whereabouts weren’t established last week. He’s with Mei Mei and her relative Ui Ui near Meiji-Jingumae Station. Mei Mei gives him a choice: fight scores of humans transfigured by Mahito, or one big Cursed Spirit.

Yuuji picks the latter, and ends up facing off against a giant locust Cursed Spirit. He’s powerful enough to have limited speech, and claims to be “clever”, but while the destructive power of locusts in general is quite colorfully laid out by the narrator, the bottom line is that this guy is no match for Yuuji even before he gets properly warmed up. After a flurry of cursed energy-charged punches, the locust is out for the count, and the outer veil is lifted.

Hanami bars Gojou’s escape with roots, but Gojou has no intention of going anywhere lest they kill the hundreds of hostages in the station. Jougo shows off just how damn joyfully evil he is by killing a few hostages anyway. Jougo has set things up this way after Getou provided advice about how to deal with Gojou: he’s strongest when he’s alone and has space to do his thing. If he’s confined in a small space packed to the gills with non-sorcerers, he can’t go all out without severe collateral carnage.

After Choso distracts him by shooting a blood beam straight at his face, Jougo and Hanami rush in with their fists and domains, but Gojou is able to slip away, lowering his mask and asking if that’s the best they’ve got. He doesn’t seem to know that Jougo & Co. aren’t trying to give their best, nor are they trying to outright defeat him. They’re buying time for the boss, who said he needed twenty minutes before coming in with his Prison Domain. Gojou might just break a sweat at that point.

Author: braverade

Hannah Brave is a staff writer for RABUJOI.