Reign of the Seven Spellblades – 09 – A Second Heart, A Secret Base, and the Unforgettable Rose

After a detour to introduce Tullio Rossi, the focus returns to Pete’s new status as a Reversi. Oliver arrives home one night to find Pete in severe pain. He manages to correct his manaflow with a healing art, but warns Pete that he can’t keep his condition from the others forever.

He doesn’t, and tells everyone the next day, and unsurprisingly, everyone is not only fine, but incredibly supportive. I love these damn kids so much! Chela even demonstrates how women can use their wombs as a “second heart” to store vast quantities of mana. Pretty neat!

Whether Stacey Cornwallis makes use of her womb in this way in her duel with Pete, I don’t know, but one thing’s for certain: she has an axe to grind with Mister Reston. She didn’t like being shown up in her uncle Teddy’s class, and wants to beat him into submission.

And while she does dominate most of the match, Pete never gives up and keeps fighting to the end, almost scoring a hit when time runs out applying the training provided by Chela. Stacey resents her Chela siding with someone from a non-magical family, but even Tullio congratulates Pete for holding his own in the duel.

While hanging with her troll friend, Katie receives a scroll dropped from a crow familiar: to apologize for what she did to her, Vera Milligan is giving Katie her workshop on the first floor of the Labyrinth. Katie is super excited about the prospect of having a secret base, but Oliver and Michela are concerned.

Katie knows the Labyrinth is a dangerous place, but she has a dream of becoming a top researcher who can protect and support demi-humans. This is no lark; she’s serious about this, and one by one, everyone agrees to help her out, even Oliver…as long as they’re extra careful down there.

The group heads down to explore the Labyrinth together, and they come across butt-stabbing traps, strange creatures, a gourmet club that barbecues and eats said creatures, and a student who moonlights as an RPG-style food shop proprietor.

After buying some food for a little barbecue of their own, Katie finds the symbol on the wall indicating the concealed entrance, and opens it to reveal their new secret base, which she’s told is one of the better workshops on the first floor. The potential of the well-appointed space gets everyone excited.

They make a fire and cook their dinner in their new base, and it feels like camping, Chela in particular is extremely moved and emotional about how much fun she’s had and is having with her five new friends. So much so that she wants to give their group a name.

Nanao makes the first suggestion by having everyone cross their blades together in a circle. Called a “sword rose” where she’s from, it is a very powerful visual symbol of what a group of friends can achieve to hold on to the present, as warriors cannot think too much about the future.

Having made a new sword rose with her friends, Nanao nominates “Sword Roses” as the name of their coterie, which gets unanimous approval. It’s extremely adorable and endearing, so much so that I’m a little miffed that  the vibes are soured a bit after the end credits, when Stacey voices her intention to attack the Roses. That said, if this is a prelude to a Michela-focused storyline, I’m all for it.

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Author: magicalchurlsukui

Preston Yamazuka is a staff writer for RABUJOI.