Sket Dance 8

Sket-dan deals with Momoka in the first half and a new client, a teacher, in the second. After their puppet show, Momoka has been scouted, so she comes to the Sket-dan for advice on how to prepare for her seiyu audition. Switch, the club’s resident anime expert, sets up a TV and plays numerous genre-bending anime with bizarre yet strangely believable premises that don’t appeal at all to their original intended audience. Himeko and Bossun are totally lost, but Momoka is committed to doing a good job. After her initial go at the mic, her producer comes in and gropes her, unleashing the punk Momoka within, and an evil aura that has the other producers swooning. So mission accomplished!

The second half gets a bit too hyper at times, but that unrelenting energy is what makes Sket Dance so fun, and I love made-up sports like Quidditch or, in this case, “Genesis”. Its rule may sound fuzzy, arbitrary, and ridiculous, but how is that different from say, cricket, with its esoteric structure and vocabulary? I myself know the rules to most sports, but like probably many others, Cricket will probably always remain a mystery to me. Such is Genesis; although for what it’s worth, the game looks quite fun and challenging: flippers on, morning stars in hand, and a volleyball to volley. Now I want to give it a try! Rating: 3