Whisper Me a Love Song – 09 – A Hot Mess

After Shino tells Himari her backstory (in confidence), Hima takes it upon herself to act as mediator between the two warring bands. With Momoka’s help, she assembles everyone for a taste-testing session that’s actually meant to be a peace summit. But things immediately go downhill, as Shiho has no intention of speaking to Aki.

Shiho’s bandmates scold her, but she decides to peace out. That’s when Hima prepares her a plate of treats, but trips on her way to her. Yori catches her in a romantic embrace, and that’s when Shiho learns that Hima and Yori are a couple. She decides to change the terms of her deal with Aki: she’ll only agree to proceed if Hima becomes Laureley’s manager.

Guilty for putting everyone on the spot, Himari volunteers for the role. Aki didn’t want to get Himari involved, and apologizes to Yori for what has gone down. Yori tells her it’s no big deal, but Aki knows better. And it’s true; Yori doesn’t like the idea of Hima being around another band, listening to them more than her. She knows it’s selfish, but it’s how she feels.

I don’t really think Yori has anything to worry about, especially when she tells Hima that during Summer Break all she has to do is send a text message and Yori will come to her. Hima voices her desire to hang out just about every day with her, and when Yori assents, she gets a big ol’ hug from her. Rather than worry about Hima not being around, Yori decides she’ll write a new song for the festival so that their band has a chance against Shiho’s

Himari fits right in with Laureley, which should come as no surprise as she’s already besties with Momoka and Hajime is a cool and kind senpai. Shiho doesn’t hold her dating Yori against her either, and is happy with Himari’s performance as manager so far—which actually strikes me as somewhat surprising considering her perfectionist nature and desire to go pro. Even so, as Haji and Momoka note how easily Shiho is able to open up to Hima.

When Himari asks how the three of them ended up starting a band in the first place, she immediately feels like she’s stepped in something (again). Shiho agrees to tell her, but both we and Hima will have to wait until next week. Whatever’s up with that story, I still sense an opportunity for Shiho and Aki to make up, even if Laureley wins. I’m sure Himari will do everything she can to make that happen, because it’s never ideal when the people you love are bickering.