TenSura – 51 – Cruise Control

Like last week, this episode is a bunch of people sitting around discussing things. Rimuru and his original Majin crew plus characters like Gabiru and Geld feature heavily, but the familiarity with these charming characters were all this episode had going for it. This descent into nitty-gritty administrative drudgery just isn’t fun to watch.

Rimuru is utterly passive and static this week, and even has an unsettling thought that all the people around him might not even need him anymore. They’re making all the right decisions on their own. He does, however, eventually make the decision to hold a big party to officially introduce the city of Tempest to the world in order to grow its population.

It could be this is another one of TenSura’s patented lulls, in which it is content to sit back and deliver exposition and set up more eventful future episodes. Or it could be that at this stage in Rimuru’s ascension in this new world, all that’s left for him is to receive reports, give okays to courses of action, and observe. It’s just not particularly stimulating observing someone observing things.

Author: magicalchurlsukui

Preston Yamazuka is a staff writer for RABUJOI.

One thought on “TenSura – 51 – Cruise Control”

  1. I’ve always tolerated Slime’s info dumping habits as it almost always ends in a rip roaring and satisfying climax. Also it might be the only way you can convey the pressures on Tempest as Rimuru’s struggles to create his equal opportunity state in a hostile world. Harking back to last episode (Since the last two episodes have been bookends after all), finding the church or large parts of it are controlled by a vampire demon lord was a bit of an ironic surprise I thought.


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